Wound healing genes and susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis in BrazilLeishmania braziliensis causes cutaneous (CL) and mucosal (ML) leishmaniasis. In the mouse, Fli1 was identified as a gene influencing enhanced wound healing...
Using genome-wide complex trait analysis to quantify 'missing heritability' in Parkinson's diseaseGenome-wide association studies (GWASs) have been successful at identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) highly associated with common traits...
Respiratory viral pathogens associated with lower respiratory tract disease among young childrenAcute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI) commonly result in fatal outcomes in the young children of Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Impact of the Reelin signaling cascade (Ligands-Receptors-Adaptor Complex) on cognition in schizophreniaOur previous neurocognitive studies of schizophrenia outlined two clusters of affected subjects-cognitively spared (CS) and cognitive deficit (CD), the...
Clarithromycin therapy for patients with Cystic Fibrosis: A randomized controlled trialThe clinically significant actions of oral azithromycin in modifying progressive cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease have been well documented.
Genetic variants in ER cofactor genes and endometrial cancer riskGiven that the transcriptional regulatory activity of estrogen receptor (ER) is modulated by its biochemical cofactors, genetic variation within the ER...
Robustness, risk and responsivity in early language acquisitionLanguage is a robust developmental phenomenon, characterised by rapid and prodigious growth.
Antecedents of teenage pregnancy from a 14-year follow-up study using data linkageThis study identified possible antecedents of teenage pregnancy using linked data from administrative sources to create a 14-year follow-up from a cross-sect...
Evidence of a complex association between dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and child behaviour problemsThere is a lack of evidence regarding the effect of dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and behaviour problems in children aged 2 years.
Regulatory role of IL10 genetic variations in determining allergen-induced TH2 cytokine responses in childrenInterleukin-10 is a key immunomodulatory cytokine the principal function of which is to limit the magnitude of immune response.