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Narrowband UVB phototherapy for clinically isolated syndrome: A trial to deliver the benefits of vitamin D and other UVB-induced molecules

The PhoCIS trial provides a fresh approach to re-defining the reported associations of 25(OH)D levels with multiple sclerosis development and progression


Adolescent perceptions of bystanders’ responses to cyberbullying

This study explored the perceptions of, and key influences on, adolescent bystanders who witness cyberbullying


An exploration of the use of eye gaze and gestures in females with rett syndrome

Eye gaze is used more frequently than gestures for communication, and this is related to age, MECP2 mutation type, and gross motor abilities


Lao PDR. Early childhood education project Snapshot one: project background and baseline data demographics

This snapshot describes demographic information of the 7,520 children in the baseline sample, including where and how they live.


Environmental enrichment intervention for Rett syndrome: An individually randomised stepped wedge trial

We investigated the effects of environmental enrichment on gross motor skills and blood BDNF levels in girls with Rett syndrome.


Analysis of expression of FLI1 and MMP1 in American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis infection

MMP1 is regulated by factors other than FLI1, and that the influence of IL-6 on MMP1 was independent of its effect on FLI1 in Leishmania braziliensis


Evidence of a reduction over time in the behavioral severity of autistic disorder diagnoses

We examined whether there were changes over time in the qualitative and quantitative phenotype of individuals who received the diagnosis of Autistic Disorder.


Feasibility of assessing diet with a mobile food record for adolescents and young adults with down syndrome

The aim was to assess the feasibility of assessing diet with an image-based mobile food record application in 51 adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome.


Are low sun exposure and/or Vitamin D risk factors for type 1 diabetes

Evidence supports that higher sun exposure and/or vitamin D sufficiency in pregnancy, or supplementation in early life, decreases type 1 diabetes risk