Variation in nutrition education practices in SWEET pediatric diabetes centers-an international comparisonNutrition education is central to pediatric type 1 diabetes management. Dietary management guidelines for type 1 diabetes are evidence based, but implementation may be challenging and inconsistent.
Case report: congenital intraventricular meningioma demonstrated with fetal MRICongenital intracranial meningiomas are rare lesions. We present a case of congenital intraventricular cystic meningioma, initially characterized with fetal MRI and confirmed postnatally with histopathology. To our knowledge, this is the first in vivo description of a congenital meningioma with fetal MRI. The fetal MRI was able to characterize the lesion as an atypical intraventricular mass which was separate from the choroid plexus, differentiating the mass from a choroid plexus neoplasm.
An observational study of antibody responses to a primary or subsequent pertussis booster vaccination in Australian healthcare workersAdult pertussis vaccination is increasingly recommended to control pertussis in the community. However, there is little data on the duration and kinetics of immunity to pertussis boosters in adults. We compared IgG responses to vaccination with a tetanus, low-dose diphtheria, low-dose acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year post-vaccination in whole-cell (wP)-primed Australian paediatric healthcare workers who had received an adult Tdap booster 5-12 years previously, to those who received their first Tdap booster. Tdap vaccination was well tolerated in both groups.
Locomotor and robotic assistive gait training for children with cerebral palsyTo determine if robotic assisted gait training (RAGT) using surface muscle electrical stimulation and locomotor training enhances mobility outcomes when compared to locomotor training alone in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Forty children (18 females, 22 males; mean age 8y 1mo, SD 2y 1mo; range 5y 1mo-12y 11mo) with CP in Gross Motor Function Classification System levels (GMFCS) III, IV, and V were randomly assigned to the RAGT and locomotor training (RAGT+LT) group or locomotor training only group (dosage for both: three 1-hour sessions a week for 6 weeks). Outcomes were assessed at baseline T1 (week 0), post-treatment T2 (week 6), and retention T3 (week 26).
Interchangeability, immunogenicity and safety of a combined 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (Synflorix) and 13-valent-PCV (Prevenar13) schedule at 1-2-4-6 months: PREVIX_COMBO, a 3-arm randomised controlled trialAboriginal children living in remote communities are at high risk of early and persistent otitis media. Streptococcus pneumoniae and non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) are primary pathogens. Vaccines with potential to prevent early OM have not been evaluated in this population. We compared immunogenicity (ELISA and opsonophagocytic activity) of a combination of Synflorix™ (PHiD-CV10, 10 serotypes and protein D of NTHi) and Prevenar13™ (PCV13, 10 serotypes plus 3, 6A, and 19A), with recommended schedules.
DETECT Schools Study Protocol: A Prospective Observational Cohort Surveillance Study Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 in Western Australian SchoolsAmidst the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, understanding the transmission dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is key to providing peace of mind for the community and informing policy-making decisions. While available data suggest that school-aged children are not significant spreaders of SARS-CoV-2, the possibility of transmission in schools remains an ongoing concern, especially among an aging teaching workforce. Even in low-prevalence settings, communities must balance the potential risk of transmission with the need for students' ongoing education.
Dysfunctional gut microbiome networks in childhood ige‐mediated food allergyThe development of food allergy has been reported to be related with the changes in the gut microbiome, however the specific microbe associated with the pathogenesis of food allergy remains elusive. This study aimed to comprehensively characterize the gut microbiome and identify individual or group gut microbes relating to food-allergy using 16S rRNA gene sequencing with network analysis.
An observational study of antibody responses to a primary or subsequent pertussis booster vaccination in Australian healthcare workersAdult pertussis vaccination is increasingly recommended to control pertussis in the community. However, there is little data on the duration and kinetics of immunity to pertussis boosters in adults. We compared IgG responses to vaccination with a tetanus, low-dose diphtheria, low-dose acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year post-vaccination in whole-cell (wP)-primed Australian paediatric healthcare workers who had received an adult Tdap booster 5-12 years previously, to those who received their first Tdap booster.
Gender differences in the experience of psychotic-like experiences and their associated factors: A study of adolescents from the general population"Psychotic-Like Experiences" (PLEs) are common in the general population. While they are usually transient and resolve spontaneously, they can be distressing and signify increased risk for later psychosis or other psychopathology. It is important to investigate factors associated with PLEs which could be targeted to reduce their prevalence and impact. Males and females are known to experience PLEs differently, but any gender differences in the relationships between PLEs and other, potentially targetable, factors are currently unknown.
Rheumatic Heart Disease Control Programs, Registers, and Access to CareRheumatic heart disease (RHD) control programs have been recommended by the World Health Organization as the mainstay of reducing the burden of RHD for nearly half a century. Programs should be structured around a disease register of people living with RHD and to support delivery of secondary prophylaxis.