News & Events
Watch out Super Nanny - Australian parents are doing it for themselves!The first large scale scientific evaluation of group-based positive parenting programs has found that the intervention reduces behavioural problems
News & Events
Parents advised to rethink dummy useA comprehensive review of scientific studies on the use of baby pacifiers (dummies) has found that they interfere with successful breastfeeding.
A Family's Journey at JHC: Analyses of routinely collected dataDesiree Silva MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD Co-Head, ORIGINS Co-Head, The ORIGINS Project Professor Desiree Silva is Co-Director of ORIGINS and a Professor
A phase IIIB, randomized, controlled, observer-blind study to evaluate safety and immunogenicity of GSK’s meningococcal ABCWY vaccine when administered in healthy adolescents and adults, previously primed with meningococcal ACWY vaccine (BOOST)Investigator: Peter Richmond Project description GSK is conducting a research study to evaluate its investigational, pentavalentmeningococcal vaccine
A pilot study into assessing the danger of heated-tobacco-productsAlexander Anthony Dr Katherine Larcombe Kicic Landwehr BScEnv (Hons) PhD BSc (Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Rothwell
ADAPTS: Antibiotic Dysbiosis And Probiotics Trial in infantSDesiree Peter Silva Richmond MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Co-Head, ORIGINS Head, Vaccine Trials Group Co-Head, The ORIGINS Project Head
Empowering Youth Wellbeing Through the Arts. Learn how SEW-Arts supports the social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) of young people through arts programs.
DiabetesDiabetes is the name for a number of different metabolic disorders in which the body's healthy levels of blood sugar (glucose) can't be maintained.Diabetes can have a significant impact on quality of life should complications develop. Diabetes can affect the individual's entire body.
Natural disasters and the demand for health insuranceAmidst growing concerns over heightened natural disaster risks, this study pioneers an inquiry into the causal impacts of cyclones on the demand for private health insurance in Australia. We amalgamate a nationally representative longitudinal dataset with historical cyclone records, employing an individual fixed effects model to assess the impacts of various exogenously determined cyclone exposure measures.
Reported processes and practices of researchers applying for human research ethics approval for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research: a mixed methods studyTo examine self-reported practices for obtaining ethics approval and reflections on ethics application processes among researchers who have conducted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and medical research.