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Reports and Findings


A variant at 9p21.3 functionally implicates CDKN2B in paediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia aetiology

Discover and replicate a locus indexed by rs77728904 at 9p21.3 associated with BCP-ALL susceptibility


Analysis of IgE binding patterns to house dust mite allergens in scabies-endemic communities: insights for both diseases

This study analysed the IgE binding patterns caused by house dust mite allergens in scabies endemic communities in Australia.


Five-Year Antibody Persistence And Safety Following a Combined Haemophilus Influenzae Neisseria Meningitidis Tetanus Toxoid Vaccines

The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the number and timing of stressors experienced during pregnancy impacted longterm motor development at...


Home pesticide exposures and risk of childhood leukemia: Findings from the childhood leukemia international consortium

In this investigation, the authors found an association between home pesticide exposure before birth and during a child's early years and acute lymphoblastic...


GFP-complementation assay to detect functional CPP and protein delivery into living cells.

Efficient cargo uptake is essential for cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) therapeutics, which deliver widely diverse cargoes by exploiting natural cell...


Environmental microbial exposure and protection against asthma

This article looks at the clinical implications of the research into microbial exposure & protection against asthma.


Relationships between Psychosocial Resilience and Physical Health Status of Western Australian Urban Aboriginal Youth

The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which factors previously documented as buffering the impact of high-risk family environments on...


Whither pertussis?

This article discusses the rising prevalence of pertussis disease in countries which have switched to acellular vaccines.


Regular peaks and troughs in the Australian incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus (2000–2011).

This study aimed to determine the incidence and incidence rate trends of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children aged 0–14 years...


Using Avoidable Admissions to Measure Quality of Care for Cardiometabolic and other Physical

This paper uses population-based, record-linkage to examine access to appropriate primary care in Australian and Canadian...