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Reports and Findings


A prospective cohort study assessing the reactogenicity of pertussis and influenza vaccines administered during pregnancy

Data on systemic and local reactions following receipt of TIV and dTpa during pregnancy support the safety of antenatal vaccination


Baseline grey matter volume of non-transitioned "ultra high risk" for psychosis individuals with and without attenuated psychotic symptoms

Differences in regional GMV are discernible at an early stage of UHR and may be specific to individuals who have APS and psychopathology at follow-up


Djinangingy kaartdijin: Seeing and understanding our ways of working

This chapter describes the challenges experienced by Aboriginal people in their efforts to negotiate Australian society


Using online environments to build school staff capacity to address student wellbeing

Professional development of school staff can be enhanced with carefully developed and delivered online learning resources


Cyberbullying and the role of the law in Australian schools: Views of senior officials

Opinions of employees from the education and legal systems, regarding their perceptions of the role of the law and cyberbullying in Australian schools


Improving delivery of secondary prophylaxis for rheumatic heart disease in remote Indigenous communities

This trial aims to improve uptake of secondary prophylaxis among Aboriginal people with ARF/RHD to reduce progression or worsening of RHD.


Do affective or dissociative symptoms mediate the association between childhood sexual trauma and transition to psychosis in an ultra-high risk cohort?

At the point of transition, the mechanistic pathway from sexual trauma to psychosis does not appear to operate through affective symptoms


Prevalence of symptoms associated with respiratory illness in children and young people with cerebral palsy

This letter to the editor discusses the prevalence of symptoms associated with respiratory illness in children & young people with cerebral palsy.


Testing for Response Shift Bias in Evaluations of School Antibullying Programs

Researchers conducting program evaluations in other contexts are advised to consider testing for this potential source of bias in their studies


Seasonal trivalent influenza vaccination during pregnancy and the incidence of stillbirth: Population-based retrospective cohort study

Although antenatal influenza vaccination is an important public health intervention for preventing serious infection in pregnant women and newborns, reported...