Reports and Findings
Minimal structural lung disease in early life represents significant pathologyIn this cohort, as compared with the AREST CF cohort, the authors highlight the limited correlation between infection and inflammation with lung function and structural impairment, and that this was mainly explained by the mild changes identified in lung function and on chest CT scan.
Exploring the synthetic potential of a marine transaminase including discrimination at a remote stereocentreThe marine transaminase, P-ω-TA, can be employed for the transamination from 1-aminotetralins and 1-aminoindanes with differentiation of stereochemistry at both the site of reaction and at a remote stereocentre resulting in formation of ketone products with up to 93% ee. While 4-substituents are tolerated on the tetralin core, the presence of 3- or 8-substituents is not tolerated by the transaminase.
Health and climate change MJA–Lancet Countdown report: Australia gets another failing grade in 2020 but shows signs of progressAt the end of 2019 and into 2020, catastrophic fires in Australia consumed homes, lives, wildlife, and land. Just as the fires subsided, Australia, like the rest of the world, faced another emergency—the COVID-19 pandemic. It is instructive to reflect on lessons from the health disasters of the past year. Following publication of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA)–Lancet Australian Countdown was published in December, 2020. This annual report on health and climate change in Australia is in its third year and comprises the efforts of five Australian institutions, in collaboration with University College London, UK, facilitated by a partnership between The Lancet and the MJA.
Gender Balance in Anesthesiology: Is a Change of Societal Mindset Needed?With great interest, we are following the discussion on Speaker Gender Representation and Trends in Authorship. While it is indeed very popular and important to look at speaker representation, authorship, or board membership by gender, the underlying reasons for the unequal gender representation are not as easy to determine. Counting numbers on panels or boards may also not add up to real representation.
Has COVID19 derailed Bhutan's national malaria elimination goal? A commentaryThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in massive global disruptions with considerable impact on the delivery of health services and national health programmes. Since the detection of the first COVID-19 case on 5th March 2020, the Royal Government of Bhutan implemented a number of containment measures including border closure and national lockdowns. Against the backdrop of this global COVID-19 pandemic response, there was a sudden surge of locally-transmitted malaria cases between June to August 2020.
Analysis of common genetic variation and rare CNVs in the Australian Autism BiobankAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition whose biological basis is yet to be elucidated. The Australian Autism Biobank (AAB) is an initiative of the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC) to establish an Australian resource of biospecimens, phenotypes and genomic data for research on autism.
The Milk Metabolome of Non-secretor and Lewis Negative MothersThe functional role of milk for the developing neonate is an area of great interest, and a significant amount of research has been done. However, a lot of work remains to fully understand the complexities of milk, and the variations imposed through genetics. It has previously been shown that both secretor (Se) and Lewis blood type (Le) status impacts the human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) content of human milk. While some studies have compared the non-HMO milk metabolome of Se+ and Se- women, none have reported on the non-HMO milk metabolome of Se- and Le- mothers.
Experiences of Parents of Specialist Peer Mentored Autistic University StudentsParents continue to support to autistic university students, and consequently, experience considerable stress. The aim was to explore the experiences of parents of specialist peer mentored university students and to examine these using the ICF as a theoretical framework.
An observational study of antibody responses to a primary or subsequent pertussis booster vaccination in Australian healthcare workersAdult pertussis vaccination is increasingly recommended to control pertussis in the community. However, there is little data on the duration and kinetics of immunity to pertussis boosters in adults. We compared IgG responses to vaccination with a tetanus, low-dose diphtheria, low-dose acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year post-vaccination in whole-cell (wP)-primed Australian paediatric healthcare workers who had received an adult Tdap booster 5-12 years previously, to those who received their first Tdap booster.
The oral and written narrative language skills of adolescent students in youth detention and the impact of language disorderUnmet language and literacy needs are common among young people who are involved with youth justice systems. However, there is limited research regarding the functional text-level language skills of this population with regard to narrative macrostructure (story grammar) and microstructure (semantics and syntax) elements. In this study, we examined macrostructure and microstructure elements in the oral and written narrative texts of 24 adolescent students of a youth detention centre. The students, who were aged 14- to 17- years, were all speakers of Standard Australian English, and 11 (46%) students met criteria for language disorder (LD).