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Reports and Findings


COVID-19 in Ethiopia: A geospatial analysis of vulnerability to infection, case severity and death

COVID-19 has caused a global public health crisis affecting most countries, including Ethiopia, in various ways. This study maps the vulnerability to infection, case severity and likelihood of death from COVID-19 in Ethiopia. Thirty-eight potential indicators of vulnerability to COVID-19 infection, case severity and likelihood of death, identified based on a literature review and the availability of nationally representative data at a low geographic scale, were assembled from multiple sources for geospatial analysis. Geospatial analysis techniques were applied to produce maps showing the vulnerability to infection, case severity and likelihood of death in Ethiopia at a spatial resolution of 1 km×1 km.


Risk factors for COVID-19 infection, disease severity and related deaths in Africa: A systematic review

The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive evidence on risk factors for transmission, disease severity and COVID-19 related deaths in Africa. A systematic review has been conducted to synthesise existing evidence on risk factors affecting COVID-19 outcomes across Africa.


Dysfunctional gut microbiome networks in childhood ige‐mediated food allergy

The development of food allergy has been reported to be related with the changes in the gut microbiome, however the specific microbe associated with the pathogenesis of food allergy remains elusive. This study aimed to comprehensively characterize the gut microbiome and identify individual or group gut microbes relating to food-allergy using 16S rRNA gene sequencing with network analysis.


Early motor function of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review

Early motor impairments have been reported in children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), but it is not clear if early detection of motor impairments can identify children at risk for NDD or how early such impairments might be detected. Our aim was to characterize early motor function in children later diagnosed with NDD relative to typically developing children or normative data.


An observational study of antibody responses to a primary or subsequent pertussis booster vaccination in Australian healthcare workers

Adult pertussis vaccination is increasingly recommended to control pertussis in the community. However, there is little data on the duration and kinetics of immunity to pertussis boosters in adults. We compared IgG responses to vaccination with a tetanus, low-dose diphtheria, low-dose acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year post-vaccination in whole-cell (wP)-primed Australian paediatric healthcare workers who had received an adult Tdap booster 5-12 years previously, to those who received their first Tdap booster. Tdap vaccination was well tolerated in both groups.


Intersex adolescents seeking help for their depression: the case study of SPARX in New Zealand

SPARX is a computerized cognitive behavioral therapy self-help program for adolescent depression that is freely available in New Zealand. At registration, users identify themselves as either male, female, intersex, or transgender. We aimed to describe the mental health of adolescent intersex users. A secondary analysis of SPARX usage data over 5 years.


Estimating pneumococcal vaccine coverage among Australian Indigenous children and children with medically at-risk conditions using record linkage

Risk-based recommendations are common for pneumococcal vaccines but little is known about their uptake. In Australia, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) was funded only for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) children and those with underlying medical conditions in 2001, and then there were different booster dose recommendations depending on risk after the introduction of universal PCV vaccination in 2005.


Revaccination outcomes of children with vaccine proximate seizures

Seizures, whether febrile or afebrile, occurring within 14 days following vaccination can be considered as vaccine proximate seizures (VPSs). While the attributable risk and clinical severity of first febrile VPS is well known, the risk and clinical outcomes of VPS recurrence is less well defined. We conducted a retrospective review of revaccination management and outcomes in children who experienced a VPS as their first seizure seen in Australian Specialist Immunisation Clinics between 2013 and 2017. Vaccination outcomes were compared between children who had a VPS as their only seizure (VPS only) and children who had further non-vaccine proximate seizures following their initial VPS (VPS+) prior to review at the clinic.


Prenatal exposure to maternal, but not paternal, tobacco smoking is associated with smoking in adolescence

Mounting epidemiological evidence suggests an association between prenatal tobacco exposure and an increased risk of tobacco smoking in offspring. However, it is uncertain whether the association is due to the intrauterine or shared environmental exposures. Study participants were from the Raine Study, a prospective birth cohort study based in Perth, Western Australia (N = 2730). Tobacco smoking in adolescents, at age 17 years, was measured using a self-reported questionnaire. Log-binomial regression was used to estimate the relative risks (RRs) of tobacco smoking in offspring exposed to maternal prenatal tobacco use during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. We have also calculated the E-values to investigate the potential effect of unmeasured confounding. Paternal smoking during pregnancy was used as a negative control for comparison.


Using 3D Printing to Visualize 2D Chromatograms and NMR Spectra for the Classroom

The use of three-dimensional printing in chemistry education has expanded greatly in the past 10 years. The technique has been used to demonstrate a range of concepts including molecular structure, orbitals, and point groups; to produce chemical equipment such as cuvettes and columns; and even to print out mathematical shapes and functions. Here, 3D printing is used to create physical models of two-dimensional NMR spectra and HPLC chromatograms to facilitate student understanding of these challenging concepts.