Reports and Findings
Effect of a Hybrid Closed-Loop System on Glycemic and Psychosocial Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical TrialHybrid closed-loop (HCL) therapy has improved glycemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes; however, the efficacy of HCL on glycemic and psychosocial outcomes has not yet been established in a long-term randomized clinical trial.
The reliability of video otoscopy recordings and still images in the asynchronous diagnosis of middle-ear diseaseTo compare the asynchronous assessment of video otoscopic still images to recordings by an audiologist and ear, nose and throat surgeon (ENT) for diagnostic reliability and agreement in identifying middle-ear disease.
Healing Right Way: Study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial to enhance rehabilitation services and improve quality of life in Aboriginal Australians after brain injuryDespite higher incidence of brain injury among Aboriginal compared with non-Aboriginal Australians, suboptimal engagement exists between rehabilitation services and Aboriginal brain injury survivors. Aboriginal patients often feel culturally insecure in hospital and navigation of services post discharge is complex.
The development of aboriginal brain injury coordinator positions: A culturally secure rehabilitation service initiative as part of a clinical trialBrain injury, resulting from stroke and traumatic brain injury, is a common occurrence in Australia, with Aboriginal people affected at a significant rate and impact felt by individuals, families and communities. Access to brain injury rehabilitation services for Aboriginal people is reported to be often limited, with very little support outside the hospital environment.
Evidence that infant and early childhood developmental impairments are associated with hallucinatory experiences: Results from a large, population-based cohort studyCognitive and motor dysfunction are hallmark features of the psychosis continuum, and have been detected during late childhood and adolescence in youth who report psychotic experiences (PE). However, previous investigations have not explored infancy and early childhood development.
WALLABY pre-pilot survey: H i content of the Eridanus supergroupWe present observations of the Eridanus supergroup obtained with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) as part of the pre-pilot survey for the Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY (WALLABY).
Chemical analysis of fresh and aged Australian e-cigarette liquidsTo assess the chemical composition of electronic cigarette liquids (e-liquids) sold in Australia, in both their fresh and aged forms. Design, setting: Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of commercial e-liquids sold in Australia (online and physical stores).
Examining prescribing, timeliness and data recording of immunisations onto a national electronic immunisation register for inpatients at a tertiary paediatric hospitalThe aim of this study was to investigate the quality and adherence of inpatient immunisation prescribing, as well as timeliness and recording of immunisations onto the national immunisation register, within a tertiary paediatric hospital setting. We conducted an observational, retrospective review of inpatient immunisations at Perth Children’s Hospital from July 2018 to February 2019.
In vitro assessment of biofilm formation by streptococcus pyogenes isolates from invasive and non-invasive samples with diverse emm type profilesBiofilm is one of the important virulence factors that is responsible for the severity and progression of the Streptococcus pyogenes diseases. M-protein is involved in the irreversible attachment of S. pyogenes to surfaces during biofilm development. This study aims to determine the propensity of S. pyogenes to form biofilms and the molecular epidemiology of S. pyogenes isolates by emm typing.
WALLABY Pre-Pilot Survey: The effects of angular momentum and environment on the H i gas and star formation properties of galaxies in the Eridanus supergroupWe use high-resolution ASKAP observations of galaxies in the Eridanus supergroup to study their H i, angular momentum, and star formation properties, as part of the WALLABY pre-pilot survey efforts.