Reports and Findings
COVID-19 in children. II: Pathogenesis, disease spectrum and managementThe global disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the life of every child either directly or indirectly. This review explores the pathophysiology, immune response, clinical presentation and treatment of COVID-19 in children, summarising the most up-to-date data including recent developments regarding variants of concern.
COVID-19 in children: I. Epidemiology, prevention and indirect impactsChildren globally have been profoundly impacted by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This review explores the direct and indirect public health impacts of COVID-19 on children. We discuss in detail the transmission dynamics, vaccination strategies and, importantly, the ‘shadow pandemic’, encompassing underappreciated indirect impacts of the pandemic on children.
Is ‘a little’ too much?: An exploration of women’s beliefs about alcohol use during pregnancyInterventions to address alcohol use during pregnancy need to target underlying determinants of the behaviour. Using the theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical framework, the aim of this study was to identify behavioural, normative and control beliefs regarding alcohol use during pregnancy among a sample of women.
Lactiplantibacillus plantarum–Nomad and Ideal ProbioticProbiotics are increasingly recognized as capable of positively modulating several aspects of human health. There are numerous attributes that make an ideal probiotic. Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (Lp) exhibits an ecological and metabolic flexibility that allows it to thrive in a variety of environments.
Variants associated with HHIP expression have sexdifferential effects on lung functionLung function is highly heritable and differs between the sexes throughout life. However, little is known about sexdifferential genetic effects on lung function. We aimed to conduct the first genome-wide genotype-by-sex interaction study on lung function to identify genetic effects that differ between males and females.
Without training, they lacked knowledge. Without knowledge, they lacked confidence. Without confidence, they lacked victory (Julius Caesar)Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg MD, PhD, DEAA, FANZA Chair of Paediatric anaesthesia, University of Western Australia; Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, Perth Children’s Hospital; Team Leader, Perioperative Medicine Team; Program Lead,
A screening tool to identify risk for bronchiectasis progression in children with cystic fibrosisThe marked heterogeneity in cystic fibrosis (CF) disease complicates the selection of those most likely to benefit from existing or emergent treatments. We aimed to predict the progression of bronchiectasis in preschool children with CF.
Children with secondary care episodes for otitis media have poor literacy and numeracy outcomes: A data linkage studyWe examined the association between otitis media and educational attainment in a retrospective population cohort of Western Australian children who participated in the Grade 3 National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy in 2012.
Methods for modelling excess mortality across England during the COVID-19 pandemicExcess mortality is an important measure of the scale of the coronavirus-2019 pandemic. It includes both deaths caused directly by the pandemic, and deaths caused by the unintended consequences of containment such as delays to accessing care or postponements of healthcare provision in the population.
A simulation study of disaggregation regression for spatial disease mappingDisaggregation regression has become an important tool in spatial disease mapping for making fine-scale predictions of disease risk from aggregated response data.