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Reports and Findings


A Journey from Wild to Textbook Data to Reproducibly Refresh the Wages Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Database

Textbook data is essential for teaching statistics and data science methods because it is clean, allowing the instructor to focus on methodology. Ideally textbook datasets are refreshed regularly, especially when they are subsets taken from an ongoing data collection.


Allies or enemies? The effect of regulatory T cells and related T lymphocytes on the profibrotic environment in bleomycin-injured lung mouse models

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by permanent scarring of lung tissue and declining lung function, and is an incurable disease with increase in prevalence over the past decade.


WALLABY pilot survey: Public release of H i data for almost 600 galaxies from phase 1 of ASKAP pilot observations

We present WALLABY pilot data release 1, the first public release of H i pilot survey data from the Wide-field ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind Survey (WALLABY) on the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder.


Small for gestational age at term and adult lung function

Citation: Wang KCW, James AL. Small for gestational age at term and adult lung function. Respirology. 2023:28(2);99-100 Keywords: Paediatrics; respiratory function tests


Skin Health in Northern Australia

Achieving healthy skin requires the prevention of infectious diseases that affect the skin. Prevention activities range from environmental health improvements to address inequities in living situations, through to community-wide treatment programs to reduce transmission and improve skin health.


Reproducibility of plasma glucose responses to moderate-intensity exercise in individuals with type 1 diabetes

To examine the within-person variability in plasma glucose responses to moderate-intensity morning exercise in young individuals with type 1 diabetes after overnight fasting and under basal insulin conditions.


Survival of people with cystic fibrosis in Australia

Survival statistics, estimated using data from national cystic fibrosis (CF) registries, inform the CF community and monitor disease progression. This study aimed to estimate survival among people with CF in Australia and to identify factors associated with survival.


Provision of non-invasive coronary and carotid vascular imaging results on changes in diet and physical activity in asymptomatic adults: A scoping review

Although a healthy diet and physical activity have been shown to prevent or delay cardiovascular disease (CVD) hospitalizations and deaths, most adults do not meet current guidelines.


Comparison of percentile tables and algorithm-based calculators for classification of blood pressures in children and adolescents with obesity: A secondary analysis of a clinical trial

Obesity as a major risk factor for childhood hypertension necessitates careful blood pressure (BP) monitoring of those affected. This study aimed to compare BP classification in a cohort of children affected by obesity using tables versus digital calculations in two sets of guidelines.


Starting the SToP trial: Lessons from a collaborative recruitment approach

Recruitment in research can be challenging in Australian Aboriginal contexts. We aimed to evaluate the SToP (See, Treat, Prevent skin infections) trial recruitment approach for Aboriginal families to identify barriers and facilitators and understand the utility of the visual resource used.