Reports and Findings
Improving primary care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with rheumatic heart disease: What can I do?Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia, with devastating impacts on morbidity, mortality and community wellbeing. Research suggests that general practitioners and primary care staff perceive insurmountable barriers to improving clinical outcomes, including the need for systemic change outside their scope of practice.
Clustering of Wellbeing, Engagement and Academic Outcomes in Australian Primary SchoolsThe mental health and wellbeing of young people has important consequences for students and society. Schools are a logical environment for management and early intervention of wellbeing, mental health and engagement with school. Interventions aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing in education systems requires knowledge of how wellbeing is clustered at a school level. Cluster-randomised trials, and regression analyses of such data also require knowledge of clustering.
Trending now: modelling global epidemiology of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescentsType 1 diabetes, one of the common chronic conditions in children and adolescents, is a serious lifelong condition requiring daily treatment with exogenous insulin for survival. Descriptive epidemiology is important for planning of adequate diabetes health-care provision and could provide clues to aetiology. Over the past few decades, standardised diabetes incidence registries have provided a wealth of data from selected countries.
The effects of acamprosate on maternal and neonatal outcomes in a mouse model of alcohol use disordersDespite the teratogenic effects of alcohol, little is known about the safety of pharmacotherapies such as acamprosate for the treatment of alcohol use disorders in pregnancy. The aims of this study were to investigate, in a mouse model, the effects of maternally administered acamprosate on maternal and neonatal health, offspring neurodevelopment and behaviour, as well as examine whether acamprosate reduces the neurological harm associated with alcohol consumption in pregnancy.
Increased levels of solar radiation are associated with reduced type-2 diabetes prevalence: A cross-sectional study of Australian postcodesType-2 diabetes is a leading cause of death and disability. Emerging evidence suggests that ultraviolet radiation or sun exposure may limit its development. We used freely available online datasets to evaluate the associations between solar radiation and type-2 diabetes prevalence across Australia.
Immuno-epigenomic analysis identifies attenuated interferon responses in naïve CD4 T cells of adolescents with peanut and multi-food allergyIgE-mediated food allergies have been linked to suboptimal naïve CD4 T (nCD4T) cell activation in infancy, underlined by epigenetic and transcriptomic variation. Similar attenuated nCD4T cell activation in adolescents with food allergy have also been reported, but these are yet to be linked to specific epigenetic or transcriptional changes.
Associations between Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates and Features of the Metabolic Syndrome in Males from Childhood into AdulthoodPhthalate metabolites are detectable within the majority of the population. Evidence suggests that a prenatal exposure to phthalates may be associated with the subsequent risks of obesity and elevated blood pressure. We hypothesised that a prenatal exposure to phthalates would lead to an increase in adverse cardiometabolic parameters through childhood and adulthood.
Goal motives and mental contrasting with implementation intentions facilitate strategic goal persistence and disengagementIn three experiments, we examine the role of motives underlying goal pursuit and the metacognitive strategy of mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) to predict the strategic use of self-regulation responses (persistence, disengagement, and reengagement) when faced with attainable, unattainable, or multiple goals.
Improving the Journey Before, During and After Diagnosis of a Neurodevelopmental Condition: Suggestions from a Sample of Australian Consumers and ProfessionalsThe current study used a transdiagnostic approach to explore experiences of consumers and professionals on how the process of assessing and diagnosing neurodevelopmental conditions can be improved.
Variation in the prevalence of different forms of bullying victimisation among adolescents and their associations with family, peer and school connectedness: a population-based study in 40 lower and middle income to high-income countries (LMIC-HICs)This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of different forms of bullying victimization experiences and their association with family functioning, peer relationships and school connectedness among adolescents across 40 lower and middle income to high-income countries (LMIC-HICs).