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Does adjunctive clindamycin have a role in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia? A protocol for the adjunctive treatment domain of the S. aureus Network Adaptive Platform (SNAP) randomized controlled trial

The use of adjunctive antibiotics directed against exotoxin production in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) is widespread, and is recommended in many guidelines, but there is limited evidence underpinning this.


Validation and Application of a Dried Blood Spot Amoxicillin Assay

Dried blood spot (DBS) antibiotic assays can facilitate pharmacokinetic (PK) investigations in situations where venous blood sampling is logistically and/or ethically challenging. The aim of this study was to establish, validate and demonstrate the application of a DBS amoxicillin assay for PK studies in vulnerable populations.


Shoulder dystocia in babies born to Aboriginal mothers with diabetes: a population-based cohort study, 1998–2015

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with diabetes in pregnancy (DIP) are more likely to have glycaemic levels above the target range, and their babies are thus at higher risk of excessive fetal growth. Shoulder dystocia, defined by failure of spontaneous birth of fetal shoulder after birth of the head requiring obstetric maneuvers, is an obstetric emergency that is strongly associated with DIP and fetal size.


Health and well-being needs of Indigenous adolescents: A protocol for a scoping review of qualitative studies

Improving the health of Indigenous adolescents is central to addressing the health inequities faced by Indigenous peoples. To achieve this, it is critical to understand what is needed from the perspectives of Indigenous adolescents themselves. There have been many qualitative studies that capture the perspectives of Indigenous young people, but synthesis of these has been limited to date. 


Contribution of vaccination to improved survival and health: modelling 50 years of the Expanded Programme on Immunization

WHO, as requested by its member states, launched the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in 1974 to make life-saving vaccines available to all globally. To mark the 50-year anniversary of EPI, we sought to quantify the public health impact of vaccination globally since the programme's inception.


A Pilot Group Program for Parents of Trans Young People at a Specialized Pediatric Gender Diversity Service

Parental support is strongly associated with protective factors across a range of child health outcomes for trans young people. Commonly, parents report barriers to supporting their child such as lack of understanding and difficulty in accessing information and support regarding gender diversity.


A narrative review of the effects of psychoeducation on children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders in children and adolescents and its treatment plan includes a multimodal approach. Psychoeducation is a potential therapeutic modality in the multimodal treatment of ADHD.


Behavioural and neuropsychological outcomes in children exposed in utero to maternal labour epidural analgesia

Recent studies report conflicting results regarding the relationship between labour epidural analgesia (LEA) in mothers and neurodevelopmental disorders in their offspring. We evaluated behavioural and neuropsychological test scores in children of mothers who used LEA.


Australian children's physical activity and screen time while in grandparental care

The objective of this study was to explore Australian children's engagement in physical activity and screen time while being cared for by their grandparents.


Chronic suppurative otitis media

Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a leading global cause of potentially preventable hearing loss in children and adults, associated with socioeconomic deprivation. There is an absence of consensus on the definition of CSOM, which complicates efforts for prevention, treatment, and monitoring.