Early literacy skills: review of evidence for pedagogical approaches that best support children’s early literacy skillsRecent evidence indicates that a child’s home learning environment is the strongest predictor of success in later reading abilities and that for children not receiving structured language and reading support at home.
Targeting interventions to improve influenza control: a proof of principle geomapping studyChristopher Kefyalew Hannah Blyth Alene Moore MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD BSc, MPH, PhD OAM BSc (Hons) GradDipClinEpi PhD Centre Head, Wesfarmers
The Global Asthma Network: Understanding asthma in urban and regional Western AustraliaRachel Graham Alexandra Foong Hall Whelan BSc (hons), PhD, MBiostat BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS BSc, MPH Honorary Research Associate
Preventing perioperative respiratory complications in children with recurrent respiratory symptomsElizabeth Graham Smith Hall PhD, MSc, BSc BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS Program Manager Honorary Research Associate 08 6319 1178
Developing metabolomics profiles to differentiate between healthy, preschool wheeze and asthmaAndré Graham Ingrid Schultz Hall Laing MBChB, PhD, FRACP BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS BSc PhD Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA
PneumoWA: A case-control study of the role of viral and bacterial pathogens in causing pneumonia among Western Australian childrenChristopher Elke Jennifer Peter Tom Blyth Seppanen Kent Richmond Snelling MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD BSc PhD RN MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP BMBS DTMH
Youth Suicide Prevention Modelling ProjectJacinta Freeman BScs, MPH Program Manager, Youth Mental Health 6319 1699 Program Manager she/her/hers Jacinta has a
Mind The DistanceYael Jacinta Penelope Keely Bep Amy Helen Claire Perry Freeman Strauss Bebbington Uink Finlay-Jones Milroy McIlroy BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD
Trans PathwaysTrans Pathways is the largest study ever in Australia of gender diverse young people and their mental health and care pathways.
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI-PRO): Developing and Establishing Content ValidityPatient (or parent/carer proxy) Reported Outcomes (PROs) are those reported from a patient perspective, capturing how they feel, function, or survive.