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Acute Rheumatic Fever and Chronic Rheumatic Disease

This chapter describes the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and management principles of acute rheumatic fever.


Novel peptide-based drugs for the treatment of sonic hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma

Medulloblastoma, the most common pediatric malignant brain tumor, consists of at least four distinct molecular subgroups.


Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells

Our data support a highly generalizable model in which enhancer transcription is the earliest event in successive waves of transcriptional change during...


The mechanism or mechanisms driving atopic asthma initiation: The infant respiratory microbiome moves to center stage

Although debate surrounding the mechanism or mechanisms governing this causal pathway remains intense, demonstration of the capacity of pretreatment...


Childhood behavior problems and age at first sexual intercourse: A prospective birth cohort study

Early first sexual intercourse (FSI) is a risk factor for unplanned abstract teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted infection, and adverse social, emotional...


Genetic and environmental factors in the aetiology of hypospadias

The increasing use of assisted reproductive techniques and hormonal manipulation during pregnancy may have been associated with an apparent rise in the...


Contrasting effects of prenatal life stress on blood pressure and bodymass index in young adults

The effect of prenatal life stress on BP was accentuated by a higher BMI. Fetal programming events as a result of prenatal stress may underpin some of these...


Environmental health challenges in remote Aboriginal Australian communities: clean air, clean water and safe housing

A considerable health disparity exists between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians, including a higher incidence and severity of cardiovascular and...


If it’s about me, why do it without me? Genuine student engagement in school cyberbullying education

This study reports on a three-year group randomized controlled trial, the Cyber Friendly Schools Project (CFSP), aimed to reduce cyberbullying among grade 8...


The association between autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A review of eight alternate models of co-occurrence

Understanding how and why these disorders co-occur has important implications for diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, as well as for developing fundamental...