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Exploring stakeholders' perceptions of the acceptability, usability, and dissemination of the australian 24-hour movement guidelines for the early years

This study examined stakeholders' perceptions regarding the acceptability, usability, and dissemination of the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines


The contributions of fetal growth restriction and gestational age to developmental outcomes at 12 months of age: A cohort study

Developmental assessment of infants with fetal growth restriction was mostly comparable to those born without fetal growth restriction at 12 months


Feasibility of conducting an early pregnancy diet and lifestyle e-health intervention: The Pregnancy Lifestyle Activity Nutrition (PLAN) project

A lifestyle intervention starting in the first-trimester pregnancy utilising e-health mode of delivery is feasible


Sun exposure: An environmental preventer of metabolic dysfunction?

Emerging preclinical findings suggest that some sun exposure is necessary for optimal metabolic health


Intrauterine growth restriction affects diaphragm function in adult female and male mice

Sex and intrauterine growth restriction independently affect diaphragm contraction in adult mice without changes in structure


Nature play and fundamental movement skills training programs improve childcare educator supportive physical activity behavior

Both the Nature play and fundamental movement skills professional development programs were effective in improving educators’ self-efficacy to engage children


Expression Levels of Therapeutic Targets as Indicators of Sensitivity to Targeted Therapeutics

We investigated the relationship between the sensitivity of hundreds of cell lines to hundreds of drugs, and the relative expression levels of the targets


Impact of the “balatrine” intervention on soil-transmitted helminth infections in central Java, Indonesia: A pilot study

The integrated BALatrine intervention was associated with a reduced incidence of soil-transmitted helminth infection


Incidence and associated risk factors for falls in adults with intellectual disability

People with intellectual disability fall at a younger age compared with the broader community


Early patterns of functional brain development associated with autism spectrum disorder in tuberous sclerosis complex

Infants with Tuberous sclerosis complex demonstrated reduced interhemispheric alpha phase coherence compared to controls at 12 months of age