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Regular fat and reduced fat dairy products show similar associations with markers of adolescent cardiometabolic health

Intakes of both regular fat and reduced fat dairy products were associated with similar cardiometabolic associations in adolescents


Geogenic PM10 exposure exacerbates responses to influenza infection

This study aimed to determine whether chronic, low-dose exposure to geogenic particulate matter <10μm diameter (PM10) exacerbates viral infections of the...


Perceptions of Stepfathers’ Obligations to Financially Support Stepchildren

This study highlights the heterogeneity and complexity of attitudes around this issue and associated social policies


Rhinovirus-induced asthma exacerbations and risk populations

Asthma exacerbations are heterogeneous conditions that involve the complex interplay between environmental exposures and innate and adaptive immune function


Prevalence of symptoms associated with respiratory illness in children and young people with cerebral palsy

This letter to the editor discusses the prevalence of symptoms associated with respiratory illness in children & young people with cerebral palsy.


Standardising and assessing digital images for use in clinical trials: A practical, reproducible method that blinds the assessor to treatment allocation

We describe the development and evaluation of a protocol for digital image collection by the non-professional photographer in a remote setting research trial


Characterization of a G1P[8] rotavirus causing an outbreak of gastroenteritis in the Northern Territory, Australia, in the vaccine era

In 2010, a large outbreak of rotavirus gastroenteritis occurred in the Alice Springs region of the Northern Territory, Australia.


Modelling the seasonality of respiratory syncytial virus in young children

The transmission dynamics of RSV infection among young children are still poorly understood and mathematical modelling can be used to better understand...


The Western Australian family connections genealogical project: Detection of familial occurrences of single gene and chromosomal Disorders

This study utilised a Western Australian (WA) genealogical database for the identification of single gene and chromosome disorders among families.


Cellular and molecular changes to cortical neurons following low intensity repetitive magnetic stimulation at different frequencies

A systematic comparison of the cellular and molecular changes in neurons in vitro induced by low intensity magnetic stimulation at different frequencies.