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A reference collection of patient-derived cell line and xenograft models of proneural, classical and mesenchymal glioblastoma

We present a curated panel of 12 readily-usable, cell lines representing the spectrum of molecular subtypes of IDH-wildtype glioblastoma


The evolution of local food environments within established neighbourhoods and new developments in Perth, Western Australia

People living in new developments, and low SES areas of Perth, may be disadvantaged with poorer access to healthy food and greater exposure to unhealthy food outlets


Tricho-hepatic-enteric syndrome (THES) without intractable diarrhoea

We report an 8 year old girl who was diagnosed with THES by the Undiagnosed Disease Program-WA with compound heterozygous pathogenic variants in SKIV2L


Concurrent developmental course of sleep problems and emotional/behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence as reflected by the dysregulation profile

Findings provide evidence for a strong association in the development of sleep problems and difficulties of dysregulation with emotion, cognition, and aggression


Evening and night work schedules and children's social and emotional well-being

The findings show that both mothers’ and fathers’ evening and night work schedules are linked to an increase in children's externalizing and internalizing behavior


Measuring early childhood development in multiple contexts: the internal factor structure and reliability of the early Human Capability Index in seven countries

Findings support the aims of the early Human Capability Index in being adaptable and applicable for use within a range of low and middle income countries


An introduction to clinical trial design

This manuscript will give a brief overview of clinical trial design including the strengths and limitations of various approaches


Shade coverage, ultraviolet radiation and children’s physical activity in early childhood education and care

The provision of shade, particularly through natural forms such as tree canopy, is an important sun protection strategy and enabler of outdoor time


Online self-compassion training to improve the wellbeing of youth with chronic medical conditions: Protocol for a randomised control trial

The Self-Compassion Online program could provide a scalable solution for improving psychological outcomes and quality of life among youth with chronic illness


Birth seasonality and risk of autism spectrum disorder

In the first multinational study of birth seasonality of autism spectrum disorder, there was evidence supporting the presence of seasonal trends in Finland and Sweden