
News & Events
Perth researchers test stress link to asthmaScientists at The Kids for Child Health Research have launched an innovative project to test the relationship between stress and asthma.
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Researchers tackle big issues in child developmentPerth's The Kids for Child Health Research has been awarded a major national grant to continue ground-breaking work on child health and development.
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International study looking at Kawasaki DiseasePerth researchers are leading an exciting new international study looking at genetic factors that may cause Kawasaki disease and the subsequent heart damage.
News & Events
Researchers find genetic clue to cancer relapseCancer researchers at The Kids for Child Health Research have developed a new test that can rapidly detect the loss of genes in cancer cells.
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What would you discover to help a child? At The Kids, our researchers are committed to Cystic Fibrosis research that makes a real difference.

The Early Years Systems Evidence (EYSE) team specialises in working in partnership with governments and service providers, with a distinct focus on improving the life chances of children in Australia.

PAHL researchers use their expertise in motivation, behaviour change, resilience, communication, teamwork, confidence, and leadership to develop programs and services that improve people’s physical and mental health.

The Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Team follows an holistic definition of Aboriginal Health which means that health is not just the physical wellbeing of an individual but includes the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole community.