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General practitioners’ perceptions of their communication with Australian Aboriginal patients with acquired neurogenic communication disorders

GPs report difficulty recognising acquired communication disorders and their lack of prioritising assessment and treatment of communication ability after brain injur


Qualitative study of psychosocial factors impacting on Aboriginal women's management of chronic disease

The caring roles and responsibilities Aboriginal women have in their community impact on their health


Harmonised collection of data in youth mental health: Towards large datasets

The use of this core set of data will facilitate the pooling of psychopathological and neurobiological data into large datasets


Increased facial asymmetry in autism spectrum conditions is associated with symptom presentation

Significantly greater depth-wise facial asymmetry was identified in autistic children relative to the two comparison groups


Immune-mediated ECM depletion improves tumour perfusion and payload delivery

We have devised a new approach to degrade tumour ECM, which improves uptake of circulating compounds


Tumor necrosis factor α induces α1B-adrenergic receptor expression in keratinocytes

Our results suggest that inflammatory cytokines released during injury stimulate α1-AR expression in keratinocytes


Impact of Gastrostomy Placement on Nutritional Status, Physical Health, and Parental Well-Being of Females with Rett Syndrome

Gastrostomy placement was associated with improvement in BMI in females with Rett syndrome, but its long-term impact on individuals and their families is unclear


Activation of ERBB4 in Glioblastoma Can Contribute to Increased Tumorigenicity and Influence Therapeutic Response

Despite low ERBB4 mRNA in glioblastoma, the functional effects of increased ERBB4 activation identify ERBB4 as a potential prognostic and therapeutic target


Study protocol for the Australian autism biobank: an international resource to advance autism discovery research

The Australian Autism Biobank was initiated to establish a large-scale repository of biological samples and detailed clinical information about children diagnosed with ASD


Severe lower limb cellulitis: Defining the epidemiology and risk factors for primary episodes in a population-based case-control study

Severe lower leg cellulitis presents a major burden to the health sector and is increasing with an ageing population