Genome-wide association analysis identifies 11 risk variants associated with the asthma with hay fever phenotypePrevious analyses of family data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study provide evidence that this phenotype has a stronger genetic cause than asthma...
How is paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis diagnosed and managed by paediatricians?The diagnostic and management practices of paediatricians for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encepnalomyelitis within Australia vary widely
Weekend personal ultraviolet radiation exposure in four cities in Australia: Influence of temperature, humidity and ambient ultraviolet radiationThe effects of meteorological factors on weekend sun exposure behaviours and personal received dose of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in Australian adults.
Plasma retinol and total carotenes and fracture risk after long-term supplementation with high doses of retinolThe aim of this study was to investigate plasma retinol and total carotene concentrations in relation to fracture risk after long-term supplementation with...
The Importance of Scabies Co-Infection in the Treatment Considerations for ImpetigoTreatment success for scabies co-infection was lower than for impetigo overall, with a higher success seen in the co-trimoxazole group than benzylpenicillin
Family satisfaction following spinal fusion in Rett syndromeFamilies participating in the population-based and longitudinal Australian Rett Syndrome Database whose daughter had undergone spinal fusion provided data on...
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling identifies a folate-sensitive region of differential methylation upstream of ZFP57-imprinting regulator in humansThis study identified that expsoure to folate has effects on the regulation of DNA methylation during fetal development.
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Western Australia, 1998-2012Our objective was to describe the epidemiology, clinical features, health care resource use, treatment and outcomes of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis...
Health conditions and their impact among adolescents and young adults with down syndromeThe aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of medical conditions and use of health services among young adults with Down syndrome and describe the...
Epigenetics in immune development and in allergic and autoimmune diseasesThis paper is a review about the importance of alterations to the DNA molecule, rather than the DNA sequence, in the development of the immune system, and...