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Maternal HIV infection alters antimicrobial immunity in exposed and uninfected infants

Implementation of lifelong ART of all HIV-infected women has the potential to improve maternal determinants of protective immunity in the young infant


The Evolving Landscape of e-Cigarettes: A Systematic Review of Recent Evidence

This review focuses on smokers and nonsmokers and evaluates the most recent data regarding the potential health effects of e-cigarettes


Role of maternal mental health disorders on stillbirth and infant mortality risk: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

We plan to examine whether prenatal maternal mental health disorders impact the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality


Association between diesel engine exhaust exposure and lung function in Australian gold miners

Diesel engine exhaust exposures were higher in underground miners and had a negative association with their lung function over a single 12-h shift


Factors associated with pneumococcal carriage in children and adults in Fiji, using four cross-sectional surveys

This study describes predictors of pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage and density in Fiji. We used data from four annual cross-sectional surveys, pre- and post-introduction of ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in October 2012. Infants, toddlers, children, and their caregivers participated. Pneumococci were detected and quantified using lytA qPCR, with molecular serotyping by microarray. Logistic and quantile regression were used to determine predictors of pneumococcal carriage and density, respectively.


Pregnancy and birth outcomes of mothers with intellectual disability and their infants: Advocacy needed to improve well-being

For mothers with intellectual disability, modifiable risk factors for adverse outcomes need addressing


Raising strong, solid Koolunga: Values and beliefs about early child development among Perth's Aboriginal community

We detail the unique findings from an Aboriginal early child development research project with a specific focus on the Nyoongar/Aboriginal community of Perth


Laryngeal reflex responses in pediatric anesthesia

Laryngeal and respiratory reflexes are vitally important defense mechanisms against foreign body aspiration, safeguarding airway patency, and ventilation


MK2 inhibition induces p53-dependent senescence in glioblastoma cells

In response to DNA damaging chemotherapy, targeting MK2 in p53-mutated cells produces a phenotype that is distinct from the p53-deficient phenotype