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Meaningful moments build young brains

Reading to your child is one of the easiest, most enjoyable activities you can do as a parent or caregiver.

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Event: Getting it Right in the Early Years: Our Collective Responsibility

Hear from CoLab Director Professor Donna Cross as we provide an overview of the early childhood landscape and launch the CoLab Strategic Framework.

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Partnering with communities to reduce rheumatic heart disease in the Kimberley

The Kimberley has the highest rates of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in Western Australia – but through the establishment of a new community-led, research-backed project known as END RHD Communities, there’s hope this will change.

The endgame strategy to eliminate deadly heart disease

Five years of intensive collaboration between researchers, clinicians, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, and government and non-government organisations have finally put the long-fought for goal of ending RHD within reach.

News & Events

Renowned Autism Researcher named Western Australian of the Year

Autism researcher Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been named this year’s Western Australian of the Year in the HBF Professions category.


Evidence that infant and early childhood developmental impairments are associated with hallucinatory experiences: Results from a large, population-based cohort study

Cognitive and motor dysfunction are hallmark features of the psychosis continuum, and have been detected during late childhood and adolescence in youth who report psychotic experiences (PE). However, previous investigations have not explored infancy and early childhood development.


Utilising Behavioural and Sensory Profiles and Associated Perinatal Factors to Identify Meaningful Subgroups in Autism Spectrum Disorder

The heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorder clinically and aetiologically hinders intervention matching and prediction of outcomes. This study investigated if the behavioural, sensory, and perinatal factor profiles of autistic children could be used to identify distinct subgroups. Participants on the autism spectrum aged 2 to 17 years and their families were sourced via the Australian Autism Biobank.


The valence-specific empathy imbalance hypothesis of autism: The role of autistic traits, alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, and gender differences

Individuals exhibiting pronounced autistic traits (e.g., social differences and specialised interests) may struggle with cognitive empathy (i.e., the ability to infer others' emotions), although the relationship with affective empathy (i.e., the ability to share others' emotions) is less clear in that higher levels of autistic traits may be linked with increased affective empathy for negative emotions but reduced affective empathy for positive emotions. The current study investigates this empathy profile and whether alexithymia and emotion dysregulation help to explain it.


Support Preferences and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in the Clinical Care of Autistic Children: Stakeholder Perspectives

Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are increasingly utilised within healthcare settings to enhance decision making. However, few studies have investigated their application in the context of clinical services for autistic people, with no research to date exploring the perspectives of the key stakeholders who are, or in the future may be, impacted by their use.

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Study to use eye masks and earplugs to teach preterm babies the rhythm of life

Researchers will fit nearly 500 preterm babies with tiny eye masks and earplugs for the study.