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Safety and Immunogencity of a Prototype Adjuvanted Inactivated Split-Virus Influenza A (H5N1) Vaccine in Infants and Children

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H5N1) is a leading candidate for the next influenza pandemic, and infants and children may play an important role...


Do children with autism 'switch off' to speech sounds? An investigation using event-related potentials

Autism is a disorder characterized by a core impairment in social behaviour. A prominent component of this social deficit is poor orienting to speech.


Language outcomes of 7-year-old children with or without a history of late language emergence at 24 months

The aim of this study was to investigate the language outcomes of 7-year-old children with and without a history of late language emergence at 24 months.


Feeding experiences and growth status in a Rett syndrome population

Feeding difficulties in Rett syndrome are complex and multifactorial. In this study, we describe the feeding experiences in Rett syndrome and examine the...


Evidence against poor semantic encoding in individuals with autism

This article tests the hypothesis that individuals with autism poorly encode verbal information to the semantic level of processing, instead paying greater...


Correlation between clinical severity in patients with Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (RTT) is an X-linked dominant neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually associated with mutations in the MECP2 gene.


The development of the picture superiority effect

When pictures and words are presented serially in an explicit memory task, recall of the pictures is superior.


The burden of rotavirus-related illness among young children on the Australian health care system

To provide estimates of the annual number and cost of hospital admissions, emergency department (ED) visits and general practitioner (GP) visits...


Rett syndrome in Australia: a review of the epidemiology

To examine the prevalence, cumulative incidence, and survival in an Australian cohort with Rett syndrome (RTT).


Fish Oil

Claims have been made about the benefits of fish oil supplementation. However, our research, including studies in collaboration with colleagues from