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Method of bacterial killing differentially affects the human innate immune response to Staphylococcus epidermidis

In vitro investigations of human innate immune responses to extracellular bacteria commonly utilise killed preparations in preference to live...


Calcium and Vitamin D for obesity: review of randomized controlled trials

Obesity often coexists with low calcium intake and vitamin D insufficiency.


Neonatal antigen-presenting cells are functionally more quiescent in children born under traditional compared with modern environmental conditions

One explanation for the high burden of allergic and autoimmune diseases in industrialized countries is inappropriate immune development under modern...


Breastfeeding duration and academic achievement at ten years

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between duration of breastfeeding and educational outcomes.


Environmental Factors in Children's Asthma and Respiratory Effects

Childhood asthma is a condition characterized by airflow obstruction that varies in time spontaneously, in response to various environmental stimuli...


The advent of recombinant allergens and allergen cloning Authors:

When the allergen nomenclature system was adopted in 1986, allergens were identified by their behavior on electrophoresis and chromatography...


Caudal dysgenesis and sirenomelia-single centre experience suggests common pathogenic basis

Abnormally formed lower limbs with varying degrees of fusion are the major feature of sirenomelia whereas maldeveloped lower limbs without fusion are found in a


Changes in lung volume during spells in children with Tetralogy of Fallot under general anesthesia

To describe the changes in end-expiratory lung volume and ventilation inhomogeneities during spells in three children with Tetralogy of Fallot.


Confirmatory factor analysis of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q)

To compare the goodness-of-fit of five models of Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q) data, in clinical and community samples.


Inequalities in healthcare provision for people with severe mental illness

There are many factors that contribute to the poor physical health of people with severe mental illness (SMI), including lifestyle factors and medication side e