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Exposure to UV Wavelengths in Sunlight Suppresses Immunity. To What Extent is UV-induced Vitamin D3 the Mediator Responsible?

In experimental models, both vitamin D3-dependent and vitamin D3-independent pathways have been implicated in the mechanisms of UVR-induced systemic...


Maternal life stress events in pregnancy link to children's school achievement at age 10 years

Maternal antenatal exposure to life stress events has differing effects on the school performance of male and female offspring.


Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and internalizing and externalizing problems in offspring

Exposure to elevated maternal pre-pregnancy BMI is associated with increased levels of internalizing and externalizing problems throughout childhood and...


Attendances during the First 12 Months of Life for Aboriginal Children in Five Remote Communities of Northern Australia

The median number of presentations per child in the first year of life was 21 with multiple reasons for presentation.


The role of nutrition in children's neurocognitive development, from pregnancy through childhood

This review examines the current evidence for a possible connection between nutritional intake (including micronutrients and whole diet) and neurocognitive...


Caring for a child with severe intellectual disability in China: The example of Rett syndrome

Intellectual disability affects more than 1.5% of the population of children in developing countries yet we know little about the daily lives and support...


The association between perinatal testosterone concentration and early vocabulary development

Prenatal exposure to testosterone is known to affect fetal brain maturation and later neurocognitive function.


Acute hyperglycaemia does not alter nitric oxide-mediated microvascular function in the skin of adolescents with type 1 diabetes

We assessed the impact of an acute bout of hyperglycaemia on nitric oxide (NO)-mediated microvascular function in the skin of adolescents with type 1...


Consensus statement for inert gas washout measurement using multiple- and single- breath tests

Inert gas washout tests, performed using the single- or multiple-breath washout technique, were first described over 60 years ago.


UVR-induced immunosupression

Despite considerable advances, the exact mechanism whereby UVR can lead to changes in immune responses is not entirely clear at present, and no...