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Reports and Findings


The epidemiology of superficial Streptococcal A (impetigo and pharyngitis) infections in Australia: A systematic review

Streptoccocal A (Strep A, GAS) infections in Australia are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality through both invasive (iGAS) and post-streptococcal (postGAS) diseases as well as preceding superficial (sGAS) skin and throat infection. The burden of iGAS and postGAS are addressed in some jurisdictions by mandatory notification systems; in contrast, the burden of preceding sGAS has no reporting structure, and is less well defined.


Inflammation risk before cardiac surgery and the treatment effect of intraoperative dexamethasone

Patients who exhibit high systemic inflammation after cardiac surgery may benefit most from pre-emptive anti-inflammatory treatments. In this secondary analysis of the randomised, double-blind Intraoperative High-Dose Dexamethasone for Cardiac Surgery trial, we set out to develop an inflammation risk prediction model and assess whether patients at higher risk benefit from a single intraoperative dose of dexamethasone.


The influence of the COVID pandemic on the management of URTI in children

Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg MD, PhD, DEAA, FANZA Chair of Paediatric anaesthesia, University of Western Australia; Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, Perth Children’s Hospital; Team Leader, Perioperative Medicine Team; Program Lead,


Early Peanut Immunotherapy in Children (EPIC) trial: Protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of peanut oral immunotherapy in children under 5 years of age

Food allergy is a major public health challenge in Australia. Despite widespread uptake of infant feeding and allergy prevention guidelines the incidence of peanut allergy in infants has not fallen, and prevalence of peanut allergy in school-aged children continues to rise. Therefore, effective and accessible treatments for peanut allergy are required.


A systematic review of chronobiology for neonatal care units: What we know and what we should consider

A Cochrane 2016 review indicated cycled light might benefit neonatal health in hospital. We systematically reviewed chronobiological factors for neonatal health in hospital units, identifying 56 relevant studies on light-dark cycles, feeding, noise, massage therapy, rooming-in, incubators vs. cribs, neonatal units vs. homes, and time-of-day of birth. Empirical evidence for benefits from chronobiology is weaker than expected, including light.


Following in Banting’s footsteps or straying from the path? Observations from contemporary diabetes innovation

While advancements in the treatment of diabetes continue to rapidly evolve, many of the newer technologies have financial barriers to care, opposing the egalitarian ethos of Banting who sold his patent on insulin for a nominal cost to allow it to be made widely available. Inequity in access to new therapies drives disparity in diabetes burden with potential for these gaps to widen in the future.


The Perth Empathy Scale: Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version and Its Mental Health Correlates

The Perth Empathy Scale (PES) is a 20-item self-report questionnaire that assesses people's ability to recognize emotions in others (i.e., cognitive empathy) and vicariously experience other's emotions (i.e., affective empathy), across positive and negative emotions. Originally developed in English, the aim of our study was to introduce the first Polish version of the PES and test its psychometric performance.


Surfactant delivery by aerosol inhalation – past, present, and future

Surfactant replacement therapy by nebulization to spontaneously breathing patients has been regarded as the Holy Grail since surfactant deficiency was first identified as the cause for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. It avoids neonatal endotracheal intubation, a procedure that is often difficult and occasionally harmful. 


Skin-Microbiome Assembly in Preterm Infants during the First Three Weeks of Life and Impact of Topical Coconut Oil Application

The structure and function of infant skin is not fully developed until 34 weeks of gestation, and this immaturity is associated with risk of late-onset sepsis (LOS). Topical coconut oil improves preterm-infant skin integrity and may reduce LOS. However, data on early-life skin-microbiome succession and potential effects of emollient skin care in preterm infants are scarce.


Gene editing and cardiac disease modelling for the interpretation of genetic variants of uncertain significance in congenital heart disease

Genomic sequencing in congenital heart disease (CHD) patients often discovers novel genetic variants, which are classified as variants of uncertain significance (VUS). Functional analysis of each VUS is required in specialised laboratories, to determine whether the VUS is disease causative or not, leading to lengthy diagnostic delays.