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Reports and Findings


Host and parasite genomics, an Australasian perspective

The last decade has seen rapid advances in the genetic technology that is allowing researchers to examine host-pathogen interactions at a whole organism level.


Parental occupational exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of hypospadias in infants

Rates and types of hospitalisations for children who have subsequent contact with the child protection system: a population based case-control study


In utero exposure to antidepressant medication and neonatal growth outcomes: closer examination of the evidence is needed

In utero exposure to antidepressant medication and neonatal growth outcomes: closer examination of the evidence is needed


Alarm about computed tomography scans

Alarm about computed tomography scans is unjustified


Increased exhaled nitric oxide in wind and brass musicians

Playing a wind or brass (W/B) instrument is considered a strenuous activity for the respiratory system.


Health professionals addressing alcohol use with pregnant women in Western Australia

Health professionals have an important role to play in preventing prenatal alcohol exposure


Hepatic iron loading in mice increases cholesterol biosynthesis

Iron and cholesterol are both essential metabolites in mammalian systems, and too much or too little of either can have serious clinical consequences


Testing a new cognitive behavioural treatment for obesity

It is remarkably difficult for people with obesity to maintain a new lower weight following weight loss.


Evaluation of impact of 23 valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine following 7 valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Australian Indigenous children.

Background: High incidence and serotype diversity of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in Indigenous children in remote Australia led to rapid introduction of


Exposure to non-core foods and beverages in the first year of life: Results from a cohort study

To report the proportion of Australian infants who were introduced to non-core foods and beverages and to identify associated factors