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Reports and Findings


Involving consumers and the community in the development of a diagnostic instrument for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Australia

Australia's commitment to consumer and community participation in health and medical research has grown over the past decade.


Expiratory flow limitation and breathing strategies in overweight adolescents during submaximal exercise

Young people who are overweight/obese are more likely to display expFL during submaximal exercise compared with children of healthy weight.


Recombinant house dust mite allergens

House dust mites (HDM) are a globally important source of allergen responsible for the sensitization of more than 50% of allergic patients.


Online healthy lifestyle support in the perinatal period: What do women want and do they use it?

This paper presents a project designed to provide online information to promote healthy lifestyles in the perinatal period.


Resident CD8+ and Migratory CD103+ Dendritic Cells Control CD8 T Cell Immunity during Acute Influenza Infection

The identification of the specific DC subsets providing a critical role in presenting influenza antigens to naïve T cell precursors remains contentious and...


Interrogation of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha locus and corneal astigmatism in Australians of Northern European ancestry

Our data suggest that the PDGFRA locus does not transfer a major risk of corneal astigmatism in people of Northern European ancestry.


Fetal growth and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Findings from the childhood leukemia international consortium

The evidence that accelerated fetal growth is associated with a modest increased risk of childhood ALL is strong and consistent with known biological...


Prophylactic use of sublingual allergen immunotherapy in high-risk children: A pilot study

These findings suggest that this modified version of SLIT should be considered for retesting of mucosal-based immunotherapy for atopic asthma prevention.


Survey of clinical infant lung function testing practices

To evaluate current ILF testing practices and to survey users regarding the indications, limitations and perceived clinical benefits of ILF testing.


Parental occupational exposure to engine exhausts and childhood brain tumors

Increased risks were observed for maternal exposure to diesel exhaust any time before the child's birth and paternal exposure around the time of the child's...