Reports and Findings
Is headspace making a difference to young people’s lives?This report presents the evaluation findings of headspace, a service to improve the mental health and social and emotional wellbeing of young people
Addressing the relationship between racism and inequality in suicide...In 2009 over 40 leading researchers and academics from across Australia signed the Boatshed Racism Roundtable Declaration that proposed four areas of action...
Immune Responses to Allergens in Atopic Disease: Considerations for BioinformaticsAllergies are mediated by several immunological mechanisms that make different contributions in different patients.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Notifications to the Western Australian Register of Developmental AnomaliesThere is increasing attention on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in Australia, but there are limited data on their birth prevalence.
Reduced forced vital capacity in Aboriginal Australians: Biology or missing evidence?This editorial article addresses chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung function testing in Aboriginal Australians.
Evaluation in health promotion: Thoughts from inside a human research ethics committeeHealth promotion research, quality improvement and evaluation are all activities that raise ethical issues.
A role for CCL28-CCR3 in T-cell homing to the human upper airway mucosaLymphocyte recruitment to peripheral tissues is fundamental for immune surveillance and homeostasis, but the chemokines and chemokine receptors responsible...
TOBY play-pad application to teach children with ASD-A pilot trial.To investigate use patterns and learning outcomes associated with the use of Therapy Outcomes By You (TOBY. Playpad, an early intervention iPad application.
Vehicle refuelling, use of domestic wood heaters and the risk of childhood brain tumours: Results from an Australian case-control studyThe aetiology of childhood brain tumours (CBT) is largely unknown.
Parenting adolescents: Developing Strategies for FIFO parentsThis study was to explore the parenting patterns of families exposed to the fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) work pattern in raising adolescent children...