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Reports and Findings


UV Irradiation of Skin Regulates a Murine Model of Multiple Sclerosis.

The prevalence of multiple sclerosis follows a latitude gradient, with increased disease at higher latitudes.


A validation study of a modified Bouchard activity record that extends the concept of 'uptime' to Rett syndrome

The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of using a Bouchard activity record (BAR) in individuals with Rett syndrome to measure physical...


Clinical cardiovascular risk during young adulthood in offspring of hypertensive pregnancies:

Offspring of hypertensive pregnancies have increased cardiovascular risk factors during childhood.


Increased Body Mass Index during Therapy for Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Significant and Underestimated Complication

We undertook a retrospective review of children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and treated with modern COG protocols to determine...


The Halls Creek Community Families Program: Elements of the role of the child health nurse in development of a remote

This study measures changes in participants' understanding of the role and scope of practice of the child health nurse facilitator, thereby supporting...


Sore throat: Is it such a big deal anymore?

This review article addresses the driving factors associated with diagnosis and treatment of sore throats caused by Group A streptococcus.


Treating trade: the case for clinical engagement with regional trade agreements

The global burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) continues to grow. Although developing settings face fastest growth in incidence, no country is exempt.


Playgroup participation and social support outcomes for mothers of young children: A longitudinal cohort study.

This study aimed to examine friendship networks and social support outcomes for mothers according to patterns of playgroup participation.


Discrete alterations of brain network structural covariance in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis.

The aim of the present study was to investigate whole-brain structural covariance patterns of eight large-scale networks in young people identified as...


Impact of adolescent peer aggression on later educational and employment outcomes in an Australian cohort

This study used prospective birth cohort data to analyse the relationship between peer aggression at 14 years of age and educational and employment outcomes...