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Reports and Findings


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and child sexual abuse in institutional settings

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse commissioned The Kids Research Institute Australia to collaborate on a report


Indicators Built environment Child development Socio-economic standards

These findings could inform policy making to reduce inequities by assisting in policy and service delivery design targeted to community needs.


Comparable glycemic outcomes for pediatric type 1 diabetes patients in metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions of Western Australia

This study reports similar glycemic outcomes for patients attending diabetes clinics in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of WA, suggesting that a model of care provided as outreach from a specialized diabetes service is effective in achieving equitable glycemic outcomes.


The 2015 Middle Childhood Survey (MCS) of mental health and well-being at age 11 years in an Australian population cohort

most children report mental health and well-being, but the population distribution spanned the full range of possible scores on every construct.


Using record linkage to validate notification and laboratory data for a more accurate assessment of notifiable infectious diseases

Studies investigating pathogen-specific infectious disease would benefit from using multiple data sources.


Evolving Identification of Blood Cells Associated with Clinically Isolated Syndrome: Importance of Time since Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic MRI

This study aimed to identify a CIS peripheral blood signature that may provide clues for potential immunomodulatory approaches early in disease


Early lung disease in infants and preschool children with cystic fibrosis: What have we learned and what should we do about it?

This review summarizes what we have learned about early lung disease in children with CF and discusses the implications for clinical practice and research


The role of preschool quality in promoting child development: evidence from rural Indonesia

This article examines the relationship between preschool quality and children’s early development in a sample of over 7900 children enrolled in 578 preschools in rural Indonesia.


Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture: Rethinking the clinical pathway for autism spectrum disorder and challenging the status quo

The aim of the paper is to outline the future of early identification and intervention of ASD and the research goals to be addressed to achieve this vision.


Using record linkage to examine testing patterns for respiratory viruses among children born in Western Australia

Using linked data, we describe changes in respiratory virus testing among children born in Western Australia in 1996-2012