Reports and Findings
Relationships between depression and anxiety symptoms scores and blood pressure in young adultsThis study aimed to assess the relationships among BP, depression and anxiety symptom scores and self-reported history of depression in young adults.
Bugging allergy; role of pre-, pro- and synbiotics in allergy preventionHere, we summarize and discuss findings of randomized clinical trials that have examined the effects of these strategies on short and long-term.
The rationale for action to end new cases of rheumatic heart disease in AustraliaThe choice of RHD is telling: the disease is a marker of inequality, a novel lens for considering health systems and a feasible target for disease control.
Hospital use in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal patients with chronic diseaseAboriginal people use health services in a different manner when compared to non-Aboriginal people
Differences in serum zinc levels in acutely ill and remitted adolescents and young adults with bulimia nervosa in comparison with healthy controls – a cross-sectional pilot studyResearch has implicated that changes in Zn metabolism may be associated with the biological underpinnings of eating disorders, in particular anorexia nervosa.
Can polymorphisms in the fatty acid desaturase (FADS) gene cluster alter the effects of fish oil supplementation on plasma and erythrocyte fatty acid profiles? An exploratory studyOverall results of this preliminary study suggest that supplementation with fish oil may only significantly increase DHA in minor allele carriers of FADS1 SNPs. Further research is required to confirm this novel finding.
Extreme heat threatens the health of AustraliansHeatwaves have serious health impacts and we need a better approach to prevention and management
Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization of the nasopharynx is associated with increased severity during respiratory syncytial virus infection in young childrenThe present study aimed to clarify the effect of viral and bacterial co-detections on disease severity during paediatric acute respiratory infection (ARI).
Toxoplasma Modulates Signature Pathways of Human Epilepsy, Neurodegeneration & Cancer.disease-deconvolution" identified associations between the parasite-brain interactions and epilepsy, movement disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.
EEG power at 3 months in infants at high familial risk for autismReduced frontal power at 3 months may indicate increased risk for reduced expressive language skills at 12 months.