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Reports and Findings


Nutrition and immune development in preterm infants

Tobias Strunk MD, PhD, FRACP Head, Neonatal Health Head, Neonatal Health Clinical Professor Tobias Strunk is a Consultant Neonatologist with a clinical research focus on infection and inflammation in newborn infants.


Screening for retinopathy of prematurity to prevent blindness (RETCAM)

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an eye disease that can occur in premature babies. It causes abnormal blood vessels to grow in the retina, and can lead to blindness. We have implemented a safe efficient nurse-led model of care in WA to prevent


Long-term developmental follow-up of very preterm infants to school age and to young adulthood, and developmental follow up of surgical infants to two years of age

Tobias Strunk MD, PhD, FRACP Head, Neonatal Health Head, Neonatal Health Clinical Professor Tobias Strunk is a Consultant Neonatologist with a clinical research focus on infection and inflammation in newborn infants.


Improving developmental outcomes after hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy in late-preterm and term infants with erythropoietin (PAEAN trial, NHMRC-funded, coordinated by Sydney University)

Lack of oxygen to the brain around the time of birth is a major cause of disability in term infants. Initial research has demonstrated that cooling infants for three days improves outcomes. Erythropoietin is a hormone secreted by the kidney in the


Breastfeeding, lactation and human milk processing

Tobias Strunk MD, PhD, FRACP Head, Neonatal Health Head, Neonatal Health Clinical Professor Tobias Strunk is a Consultant Neonatologist with a clinical research focus on infection and inflammation in newborn infants.


Parenteral nutrition (PN) for preterm and term infants

When to start and how much parenteral (intravenous nutrition) is best for the health, growth and development of very preterm, late preterm and sick term infants is being determined. These infants are unable to feed orally due to severe illness or


Probiotics supplementation reduces the incidence of necrotising enterocolitis and infections

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria which help premature babies by improving milk feed tolerance and reducing the risk of a life-threatening gut condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis.  The optimal type and dose of probiotic for sick term and


Technical standards for respiratory oscillometry

The aim of the task force was to provide technical recommendations regarding oscillometry measurement


Spaceship earth revisited: The co‐benefits of overcoming biological extinction of experience at the level of person, place and planet

This commentary focuses the ways in which microbes, as an essential part of all ecosystems, provide a vital link between personal and planetary systems


Simultaneous Targeting of DNA Replication and Homologous Recombination in Glioblastoma with a Polyether Ionophore

Our findings highlight the potential of salinomycin to induce DNA lesions and inhibit homologous recombination to greatly enhance the effect of radiotherapy