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Reports and Findings


Assessing the burden of laboratory-confirmed respiratory syncytial virus infection in a population cohort of Australian children through record linkage

Respiratory syncytial virus is pervasive across multiple severity levels and diagnoses. Vaccines targeting children <3 months must be prioritized


A positive feedback loop between alpha1-adrenoceptors and inflammatory cytokines in keratinocytes

Our results suggest that reciprocal influences between alpha1-adrenoceptors and inflammatory cytokines may play a role in normal inflammatory responses


Causes and Clinical Features of Childhood Encephalitis: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study

Epidemic viral infections predominated as causes of childhood encephalitis in Australia. The leading causes include vaccine-preventable diseases


Measuring early child development in low and middle income countries: Investigating the validity of the early Human Capability Index

Inclusion of early child development in the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda raises issues of how this goal should be monitored, particularly in low resource settings. The aim of this paper was to explore the validity of the early Human Capability Index (eHCI); a population measure designed to capture the holistic development of children aged 3-5 years. Convergent, divergent, discriminant and concurrent validity were examined by exploring the associations between eHCI domains and child (sex, age, stunting status, preschool attendance) and family (maternal education, home learning environment) characteristics. Analyses were repeated using data from seven low and middle income countries.


A qualitative examination of the cognitive and behavioural challenges experienced by children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The findings suggest consistency between caregivers in their reports of the difficulties experienced by children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Bush Tucker and Vitamin D

This five-year project in Western Australia (WA) aims to promote vitamin D sufficiency among Aboriginal people by developing food-based dietary strategies to increase vitamin D intakes and by encouraging safe sun exposure.


COPD-related modification to the airway epithelium permits intracellular residence of nontypeable haemophilus influenzae

Our findings indicate that COPD, cigarette smoke and macrolide antibiotics potentiate the susceptibility to persistent intracellular NTHi


Systematic assessment of tissue dissociation and storage biases in single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq workflows

Systematic comparison of recovered cell types and their transcriptional profiles across the workflows has highlighted protocol-specific biase


Putting ‘Justice’ in Recovery Capital: Yarning about Hopes and Futures with Young People in Detention

We must celebrate success and hope through a process of mapping and building recovery capital in the justice context at an individual and institutional level