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Reports and Findings


Early Moves

The Early Moves study is investigating whether a baby’s early movements can predict difficulties with learning (known as cognitive impairment) later in childhood.


The CASHEW Study - Introducing Cashew Nuts During Infancy

Debbie Susan Palmer Prescott BSc BND PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP Head, Early Life & Life-Course Health Program; Team Lead, Nutrition in Early Life Honorary Research Fellow Head, Early Life &


BENEFIT - Breastfeeding and Eating Nuts and Eggs For Infant Tolerance Trial

Debbie Susan Palmer Prescott BSc BND PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP Head, Early Life & Life-Course Health Program; Team Lead, Nutrition in Early Life Honorary Research Fellow Head, Early Life &


ADAPTS: Antibiotic Dysbiosis And Probiotics Trial in infantS

Desiree Peter Silva Richmond MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Co-Head, ORIGINS Head, Vaccine Trials Group Co-Head, The ORIGINS Project Head, Vaccine Trials Group Professor Desiree Silva is Co-Director of ORIGINS and a Professor of


Newborn Nasal Sampling Evaluation (NOSE) Study

A pilot study to assess recruitment and nasal sampling in newborns.


A Family's Journey at JHC: Analyses of routinely collected data

Desiree Silva MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD Co-Head, ORIGINS Co-Head, The ORIGINS Project Professor Desiree Silva is Co-Director of ORIGINS and a Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Western Australia and Joondalup Health Campus. Desiree qualified


The impact of a Mediterranean diet and physical activity in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and neonatal body composition at birth and 1 year of age

Desiree Silva MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD Co-Head, ORIGINS Co-Head, The ORIGINS Project Professor Desiree Silva is Co-Director of ORIGINS and a Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Western Australia and Joondalup Health Campus. Desiree qualified


The health effects of electronic cigarettes

Alexander Larcombe BScEnv (Hons) PhD Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Team Leader, Respiratory Environmental Health Associate Professor Alexander Larcombe began work at The Kids in 2005 and is now a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the


Is acamprosate safe to use in pregnancy, and can it mitigate the effects of alcohol consumption in pregnant mice?

Alexander Larcombe BScEnv (Hons) PhD Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Team Leader, Respiratory Environmental Health Associate Professor Alexander Larcombe began work at The Kids in 2005 and is now a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the


Investigating the effects of macrolides on excessive synthesis and secretion of airway mucins using novel ex vivo and in vivo approaches

Alexander Larcombe BScEnv (Hons) PhD Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Team Leader, Respiratory Environmental Health Associate Professor Alexander Larcombe began work at The Kids in 2005 and is now a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the