Reports and Findings
The Mental Health Implications of Domestic Violence During COVID-19Citation: Newnham EA, Chen Y, Gibbs L, Dzidic PL, Guragain B, Balsari S, et al. The Mental Health Implications of Domestic Violence During COVID-19. International Journal of Public Health. 2022;66. Keywords: Mental Health; COVID-19; domestic
Child protection involvement of children of mothers with intellectual disabilityChildren born to parents with intellectual disability (ID) have been shown as disproportionally represented in child protection services however with limited population-based research.
Systematic In Vitro Evaluation of a Library of Approved and Pharmacologically Active Compounds for the Identification of Novel Candidate Drugs for KMT2A-Rearranged LeukemiaPatients whose leukemias harbor a rearrangement of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL/KMT2A) gene have a poor prognosis, especially when the disease strikes in infants. The poor clinical outcome linked to this aggressive disease and the detrimental treatment side-effects, particularly in children, warrant the urgent development of more effective and cancer-selective therapeutics.
COVID-19 and Behavioral SciencesCitation: Jackson T, Steed L, Pedruzzi R, Beyene K, Chan AHY. Editorial: COVID-19 and Behavioral Sciences. Front Public Health. 2022;9. Keywords: Behavioral sciences; COVID-19; health protection; healthcare; psychology; public health; risk behavior
Researching the researchers: psychological distress and psychosocial stressors according to career stage in mental health researchersAlthough there are many benefits associated with working in academia, this career path often involves structural and organisational stressors that can be detrimental to wellbeing and increase susceptibility to psychological distress and mental ill health. This exploratory study examines experiences of work-related psychosocial stressors, psychological distress, and mental health diagnoses among mental health researchers.
The development and pilot of the university student embeddedness (USE) scale for student retention within universities: validation with an Australian student sampleA significant number of university students are leaving their institutions before completing their degrees. The present research project applied embeddedness theory, from organizational research, to understand student retention in a tertiary student population, and develop a quantitative instrument that measured university student embeddedness.
Effects of Dietary Fat and Protein on Glucoregulatory Hormones in Adolescents and Young Adults With Type 1 DiabetesDietary fat and protein impact postprandial hyperglycemia in people with type 1 diabetes, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Glucoregulatory hormones are also known to modulate gastric emptying and may contribute to this effect.
Informing Resource Allocation for Investment in Early Childhood: A Review of the International Peer-Reviewed EvidenceEarly childhood investment decisions represent critical policy frameworks that ideally reflect a strong evidence base. This review seeks to assess early childhood intervention priorities based on return on investment without limitation by health, education or social science sector.
Status epilepticus following vaccination in children aged ≤24 months: A five-year retrospective observational studyStatus epilepticus is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. While vaccine-proximate status epilepticus (VP-SE) has rarely been associated with cases of Dravet syndrome, it is not known whether VP-SE differs clinically from non-vaccine proximate status epilepticus (NVP-SE).
Parental preconception BMI trajectories from childhood to adolescence and asthma in the future offspringRecent evidence suggests that parental exposures before conception can increase the risk of asthma in offspring. We investigated the association between parents' preconception body mass index (BMI) trajectories from childhood to adolescence and subsequent risk of asthma in their offspring.