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Reports and Findings


Introduction to the updated Australasian consensus guidelines for the management of invasive fungal disease and use of antifungal agents in the haematology/oncology setting, 2021

This article introduces the fourth update of the Australian and New Zealand consensus guidelines for the management of invasive fungal disease and use of antifungal agents in the haematology/oncology setting. These guidelines are comprised of nine articles as presented in this special issue of the Internal Medicine Journal. This introductory chapter outlines the rationale for the current update and the steps taken to ensure implementability in local settings.


Statistical analysis plan for the OPTIMUM study: optimising immunisation using mixed schedules, an adaptive randomised controlled trial of a mixed whole-cell/acellular pertussis vaccine schedule

The purpose of this double-blind, randomised, controlled trial is to compare allergic outcomes in children following vaccination with acellular pertussis (aP) antigen (standard of care in Australia) given at 2 months of age versus whole cell pertussis (wP) in the infant vaccine schedule.


Abacavir inhibits but does not cause self-reactivity to HLA-B*57:01-restricted EBV specific T cell receptors

Pre-existing pathogen-specific memory T cell responses can contribute to multiple adverse outcomes including autoimmunity and drug hypersensitivity. How the specificity of the T cell receptor (TCR) is subverted or seconded in many of these diseases remains unclear. Here, we apply abacavir hypersensitivity (AHS) as a model to address this question because the disease is linked to memory T cell responses and the HLA risk allele, HLA-B*57:01, and the initiating insult, abacavir, are known.


Congenital cytomegalovirus: the case for targeted infant screening in Australia

Citation: Reid A, Bowen AC, Brennan-Jones CG, Kuthubutheen JB. Congenital cytomegalovirus: the case for targeted infant screening in Australia. Med J Aust. 2022. Keywords: Audiology; Child health; Congenital abnormalities; Cytomegalovirus;


Preventing heart failure: a position paper of the Heart Failure Association in collaboration with the European Association of Preventive Cardiology

The heart failure epidemic is growing and its prevention, in order to reduce associated hospital readmission rates and its clinical and economic burden, is a key issue in modern cardiovascular medicine. The present consensus document aims to provide practical evidence-based information to support the implementation of effective preventive measures.


Evaluating the effectiveness of the Play Active policy intervention and implementation support in early childhood education and care: a pragmatic cluster randomised trial protocol

Daily physical activity is critical during the early years of life for facilitating children's health and development. A large proportion of preschool children do not achieve the recommended 3 h of daily physical activity. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services are a key setting to intervene to increase physical activity. There is a significant need for ECEC specific physical activity policy, including clearer guidelines on the amount of physical activity children should do during care, and strategies for implementation of these guidelines.


Costs of mass drug administration for scabies in Fiji

In 2019, the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in partnership with the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services carried out an integrated mass drug administration (MDA) for the treatment of scabies and lymphatic filariasis in the Northern Division of Fiji. We conducted a retrospective micro-costing exercise focused on the cost of scabies control in order to inform budgeting and policy decision making in an endemic setting.


B Part of It School Leaver Study: A Repeat Cross-Sectional Study to Assess the Impact of Increasing Coverage With Meningococcal B (4CMenB) Vaccine on Carriage of Neisseria meningitidis

Recombinant protein-based vaccines targeting serogroup B meningococci protect against invasive disease but impacts on carriage are uncertain. This study assessed carriage prevalence of disease-associated meningococci in 2018-2020 as the proportion of vaccinated adolescents increased following introduction of a school-based 4CMenB immunization program.


Prevalence and subtyping of biofilms present in bronchoalveolar lavage from children with protracted bacterial bronchitis or non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a cross-sectional study

Lower airway biofilms are hypothesised to contribute to poor treatment outcomes among children with chronic lung disease; however, data are scarce.