Reports and Findings
Understanding Engagement in Digital Mental Health and Well-being Programs for Women in the Perinatal Period: Systematic Review Without Meta-analysisPregnancy and the postnatal period can be a time of increased psychological distress, which can be detrimental to both the mother and the developing child. Digital interventions are cost-effective and accessible tools to support positive mental health in women during the perinatal period.
‘Torn in two’: Experiences of Mothers Who Are Pregnant when Their Child Is Diagnosed With CancerMothers of children diagnosed with cancer have been shown to experience high rates of psychological distress and poor physical health. Pregnancy further increases the healthcare needs of mothers due to the marked physiological changes and psychological adaptations.
Assessing functioning for individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions: Current clinical practice in AustraliaIn the disability sector globally, and specifically in Australia, assessments of functioning have become key to diagnostic processes, and accessing therapy and funding. Over half of all individuals accessing support through Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme have a neurodevelopmental condition diagnosis.
The immunogenetic impact of European colonization in the AmericasThe introduction of pathogens originating from Eurasia into the Americas during early European contact has been associated with high mortality rates among Indigenous peoples, likely contributing to their historical and precipitous population decline.
Enabling successful life engagement in young people with ADHD: new components beyond adult models of recoveryTo examine the lived experiences of young people successfully managing life with ADHD and investigate the applicability of adult models of Recovery to these individuals.
Where are preschoolers active in childcare centers? A hot-spot analysis using GIS, GPS and accelerometry dataThis study investigated where preschool children were more or less active in outdoor play areas in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centers using a novel method of combined device-measured physical activity, spatial data and on-site audit data.
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: Attitudes and Effects on Holdouts in a Large Australian University PopulationMany governments and institutions mandated COVID-19 vaccines. In late 2021, we sought to ascertain the perspectives of staff and students from The University of Western Australia about the State or the University mandating COVID-19 vaccines.
Transfers of disadvantage across three generations using latent class associations within familiesThere is a large volume of research on the persistence of advantage and disadvantage across generations. Intergenerational studies typically address family resources as independent factors, which ignores how risks cluster together and accumulate over time.
Economic and social development along the urban–rural continuum: New opportunities to inform policyThe economic and social development of nations relies on their population having physical access to services and employment opportunities. For the vast majority of the 3.4 billion people living in rural areas, this largely depends on their access to urban centers of different sizes.
Identify and ActMental health problems are the most prevalent and expensive chronic condition affecting children.