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Reports and Findings


Australian Clinicians’ Considerations When Choosing an Assessment of Functioning Tool for Children with Neurodevelopmental Conditions

In the Australian disability context, the assessment of children with neurodevelopmental conditions’ functioning (across all domains) is of increasing importance, particularly since the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Currently, there is wide variability across assessment of functioning practices, including the choice and use of published tools for assessment.


Continuity of temperament subgroup classifications from infancy to toddlerhood in the context of early autism traits

Our previous cross-sectional investigation (Chetcuti et al., 2020) showed that infants with autism traits could be divided into distinct subgroups based on temperament. This longitudinal study builds on this existing work by exploring the continuity of temperament subgroup classifications and their associations with behavioral/clinical phenotypic features from infancy to toddlerhood.


Changes in referral patterns for weight in association with the preschool Raising Healthy Kids target

The 'Raising Healthy Kids (RHK) health target ' recommended that children identified as having obesity [body mass index (BMI) >/=98th centile] through growth screening at the B4 School Check (B4SC) be offered referral for subsequent assessment and intervention.


Mapping care provision for type 1 diabetes throughout Australia: a protocol for a mixed-method study

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic and incurable autoimmune disease, diagnosed in early childhood and managed initially in paediatric healthcare services. In many countries, including Australia, national audit data suggest that management and care of T1D, and consequently glycaemic control, are consistently poor.


COVID-19 vaccine knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of health care workers in Perth, Western Australia: A qualitative study

Health care workers (HCWs) faced an increased risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout commenced in February 2021 to priority groups, including HCWs. Given their increased risk, as well as influence on patients’ vaccine uptake, it was important that HCWs had a positive COVID-19 vaccination experience, as well as trusting the vaccine safety and efficacy data.


Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination among parents of infants hospitalised for acute respiratory infection in Australia

Citation: Carlson SJ, McRae J, Wiley K, Leask J, Macartney K. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination among parents of infants hospitalised for acute respiratory infection in Australia. Public Health Res Pract. 2022;32(4)


The community food environment and its association with diet, health or weight status in Australia: A systematic review with recommendations for future research

This study systematically reviewed Australian literature to determine if an association exists between geospatial exposure to food outlets and diet, health or weight status. Recommendations for future research are provided.


Awake and Alert: Examining the Portrayal of Energy Drinks on TikTok

Energy drinks (EDs) are not recommended for minors' consumption due to a myriad of health risks, but marketing initiatives persist. This study explored the promotion of EDs on TikTok, a platform frequented by children and adolescents.


Traditional Beliefs, Practices, and Migration: A Risk to Malaria Transmission in Rural Nepal

The study aimed to explore sociocultural factors influencing the risk of malaria and practices and beliefs towards malaria prevention, transmission and treatment in a remote village in Khatyad Rural Municipality (KRM) of Nepal. A sequential exploratory mixed methods approach was used.


ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022: Exercise in children and adolescents with diabetes

Liz Davis MBBS FRACP PhD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research Focus Area; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Professor Davis is a paediatric