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Reports and Findings


A study protocol for community implementation of a new mental health monitoring system spanning early childhood to young adulthood

Findings from longitudinal research, globally, repeatedly emphasise the importance of a taking an early life course approach to mental health promotion; one that invests in the formative years of development, from early childhood to young adulthood, just prior to the transition to parenthood for most. While population monitoring systems have been developed for this period, they are typically designed for use within discrete stages.


Review of Universal Access Funded Aboriginal Children with Hearing Impairment Support Program

In 2021 the South Australian Department for Education commissioned The Kids Research Institute Australia to undertake a review of the Hearing Impairment Support Program (HISP).


Evaluation of the Positive Parenting Program

In 2016, the Australian Centre for Child Protection (ACCP) and The Kids Research Institute Australia (The Kids) were engaged to evaluate the implementation and impact of Triple P in South Australia.


Analysis of gender differences between boys and girls in South Australia

The Department for Education commissioned this report to understand how such gender differences in early childhood may influence outcomes later in life.


End-user acceptability of personal protective equipment disinfection for potential reuse: a survey of health-care workers in Aotearoa New Zealand

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted personal protective equipment (PPE) supply, distribution, and disposal issues worldwide. Calls to conserve PPE stocks and increase supply resulted in the rapid development of potential disinfection methods, with the possibility of improvements in medical waste reduction. However, how receptive health-care workers are to PPE reuse remains unknown. We aimed to examine the views of health-care workers who used PPE during the first COVID-19 wave in Aotearoa New Zealand, in relation to acceptability of PPE disinfection and reuse.


Indigenous peoples and inclusion in clinical and genomic research: Understanding the history and navigating contemporary engagement

Despite significant improvements in pediatric cancer survival outcomes, there remain glaring disparities in under-represented racial and ethnic groups that warrant mitigation by the scientific and clinical community. To address and work towards eliminating such disparities, the Pacific Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium (PNOC) and Children's Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) working group in 2020. The DEI working group is dedicated to improving access to care for all pediatric patients with central nervous system (CNS) tumors, broadening diversity within the research community, and providing sustainable data-driven solutions.


Dimensional Assessment of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors: Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Measure

This study aimed to provide initial validation of the Dimensional Assessment of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors (DARB), a new parent-report measure designed to capture the full range of key restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRB) subdomains.


Australian guidelines for the management of children with achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is the most common form of skeletal dysplasia. In addition to altered growth, children and young people with achondroplasia may experience medical complications, develop and function differently to others and require psychosocial support. International, European and American consensus guidelines have been developed for the management of achondroplasia. The Australian focused guidelines presented here are designed to complement those existing guidelines.


CGM accuracy: Contrasting CE marking with the governmental controls of the USA (FDA) and Australia (TGA): A narrative review

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence updated guidance for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in 2022, recommending that CGM be available to all people living with type 1 diabetes. Manufacturers can trade in the UK with Conformité Européenne (CE) marking without an initial national assessment. The regulatory process for CGM CE marking, in contrast to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) process, is described.


Differential DNA methylation of steatosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adolescence

Epigenetic modifications are associated with hepatic fat accumulation and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, few epigenetic modifications directly implicated in such processes have been identified during adolescence, a critical developmental window where physiological changes could influence future disease trajectory. To investigate the association between DNA methylation and NAFLD in adolescence, we undertook discovery and validation of novel methylation marks, alongside replication of previously reported marks.