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Key paediatric messages from Amsterdam

Key messages from the abstracts presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress


Lung function following very preterm birth in the era of 'new' bronchopulmonary dysplasia

The pathophysiology of BPD has changed in recent years as advances in neonatal care have led to increased survival of smaller, more preterm, infants who...


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.


Prolonged use of wind or brass instruments does not alter lung function in musicians

Respiratory function impacts on musical expression for wind/brass (W/B) musicians. Investigation of musicians' respiratory health to date has rarely...

Testing your lungs: Spirometry

Healthy lungs help you to breathe better. This means you can sleep better, as well as play sports, run and walk without being short winded.


Predicting long term lung health outcomes in young adults born very preterm (WALHIP 19 year old follow-up)

Graham Shannon Elizabeth Hall Simpson Smith GL SS ES BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS BMedSci (hons), PhD PhD, MSc, BSc Honorary Research


Preterm Paediatric Inhaled Corticosteroids Intervention (PICSI)

Understanding if ongoing inflammation in the lungs contributes to the poor lung health experienced by some children who were born preterm.


Lung function in African infants: A pilot study

Unsedated infant lung function measures of tidal breathing, MBW, and eNO are feasible in a semi-rural African setting


Lung function in African infants: A pilot study

Infant lung function (ILF) testing may provide useful information about lung growth and susceptibility to respiratory disease.


Respiratory impedance and bronchodilator responsiveness in healthy children aged 2-13 years

There is limited information on changes in FOT outcomes in healthy children beyond the preschool years and the level of bronchodilator responsiveness (BDR)...