Epigenetic changes underpinning allergen sensitization: a twin-based studyWe are studying immune cells from identical twins of which one suffers and one does not suffer from allergic disease to identify specific mechanisms that may play important roles in disease development.

The Pregnancy and Early Life Immunology team's overall research vision is targeted towards understanding immunological development during early life.
Single cell transcriptomics reveals cell type specific features of developmentally regulated responses to lipopolysaccharide between birth and 5 yearsHuman perinatal life is characterized by a period of extraordinary change during which newborns encounter abundant environmental stimuli and exposure to potential pathogens. To meet such challenges, the neonatal immune system is equipped with unique functional characteristics that adapt to changing conditions as development progresses across the early years of life, but the molecular characteristics of such adaptations remain poorly understood.

Immunobiology & Immunotherapeutic ProgramListed are The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Immunity and Inflammation Program. This program sits under the Early Environment research theme.
Interactions between innate and adaptive immunity in asthma pathogenesis: new perspectives from studies on acute exacerbationsAtopic asthma, which is at its highest prevalence during childhood/young adulthood, represents the main focus of this review.
The role of dendritic cells and regulatory T cells in the regulation of allergic asthmaAirways hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is one of the major clinical features of allergic airways disease including allergic asthma
Altered immunity and dendritic cell activity in the periphery of mice after long-term engraftment with bone marrow from ultraviolet-irradiated miceTo investigate the immune capabilities of peripheral tissue DCs generated in vivo from the BM of UV-irradiated mice, chimeric mice were established.
Risk Factors for Gut Dysbiosis in Early LifeDysbiosis refers to a reduction in microbial diversity, combined with a loss of beneficial taxa, and an increase in pathogenic microorganisms. Dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota can have a substantial effect on the nervous and immune systems, contributing to the onset of several inflammatory diseases.
Distinguishing benign from pathologic TH2 immunity in atopic childrenIn addition to its role in blocking TH2 effector activation in the late-phase allergic response, IL-10 is a known IgG1 switch factor
Editorial: The relationship between puberty and immune-driven diseaseThe way the immune system operates differs between males and females. This is due to both differential expression of immune-related genes from the sex chromosomes as well as the immune modulatory properties of sex hormones. Together, these effects contribute to a skewed prevalence of disease and disease course between males and females, including allergic-, infectious-, autoimmune-, and cancerous disease.