Hospitalizations from Birth to 28 Years in a Population Cohort of Individuals Born with Five Rare Craniofacial Anomalies in Western AustraliaTo describe trends, age-specific patterns, and factors influencing hospitalizations for 5 rare craniofacial anomalies.
A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in whole-school actions to reduce bullyingWhole-school capacity-building intervention in early and middle childhood can improve the likelihood and frequency of positive parent–child communication about bullying
Comparing adolescent and parent reports of externalizing problems: A longitudinal population-based studySubstance use, depression and low school motivation impacted on discrepancy in externalizing behaviour scores for 14-year-old male adolescents and their parents
Healthy population ageing depends on investment in early childhood learning and developmentInterventions in the early years provide a sustainable solution by generating long-term labour productivity and social welfare benefits
Preservice teachers’ accuracy in measuring child engagement using a digitised momentary time sampling measureEngagement has been identified as an important predictor of student outcomes; therefore, teachers’ ability to accurately and objectively measure student engagement is essential and can assist teachers to make instructional decisions based on data rather than perception.
Children's neighbourhood physical environment and early development: an individual child level linked data studyThe neighbourhood physical environment has a weak but significant association with early childhood development
Lessons from schools with high levels of support for students with type 1 diabetes: A qualitative studyThis project aimed to investigate how schools provide support for the psychosocial wellbeing and disease management of students with type 1 diabetes
Associations between clusters of early life risk factors and developmental vulnerability at age 5This study investigated the associations between clusters of early life risk factors and developmental vulnerability in children's first year of full-time school at age 5
Gender differences in time allocation contribute to differences in developmental outcomes in children and adolescentsUsing over 50 thousand time-use diaries from two cohorts of children, we document significant gender differences in time allocation in the first 16 years in life. Relative to males, females spend more time on personal care, chores and educational activities and less time on physical and media related activities. These gender gaps in time allocation appear at very young ages and widen overtime.
The relationship between physical activity, self-regulation and cognitive school readiness in preschool childrenLimited research exists on the pathways through which physical activity influences cognitive development in the early years. This study examined the direct and indirect relationships between physical activity, self-regulation, and cognitive school readiness in preschool children.