Contact with the juvenile justice system in children treated with stimulant medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorderWe aimed to investigate juvenile justice encounters in children with and without ADHD.
Prenatal alcohol exposure and educational achievement in children aged 8-9 yearsThis study examines the relationships between the dose, pattern, and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and achievement in reading, writing, spelling,...
Midwives' knowledge, attitudes and practice about alcohol exposure and the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorderThere is a need for further professional development for midwives on screening and brief intervention regarding alcohol consumption during pregnancy and FASD
Twenty-five-year survival for aboriginal and caucasian children with congenital heart defects in Western Australia, 1980 to 2010Long-term survival was lower for Aboriginal children with congenital heart defects
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and youth justice: a prevalence study among young people sentenced to detention in Western AustraliaThis study of young people in detention in Western Australia, has documented a high prevalence of FASD and severe neurodevelopmental impairment
Study protocol for a self-controlled cluster randomised trial of the Alert Program to improve self-regulation and executive function in Australian Aboriginal childrenThis trial is evaluating the effectiveness of an Alert Program school curriculum for improving self-regulation and executive function in children living in remote Australian Aboriginal communities
Hospitalisations up to adulthood for children born with orofacial cleftsThe aim of this study was to compare hospital admissions from infancy to adulthood, between children born with orofacial clefts (OFC) and those without OFC.
Visual-motor integration, visual perception, and fine motor coordination in a population of children with high levels of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisorderAboriginal children living in remote Western Australia have poor visual-motor integration skills regardless of prenatal alcohol exposure or FASD
Impairment of motor skills in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in remote Australia: The Lililwan ProjectAlmost of 10% of children with FASD has significant motor impairment. Evaluation of motor function should routinely be included in assessments for FASD.
Exclusive breastfeeding increased by an internet interventionExclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is acknowledged universally as the optimal feeding method for infants in order to provide the greatest health and...