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Early life arsenic exposure and acute and long-term responses to influenza A infection in mice

Exposure to arsenic in early life has been shown to increase the rate of respiratory infections during infancy, reduce childhood lung function, and increase...


Spective associations between sugar-sweetened beverage intakes and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents

Increased SSB intake may be an important predictor of cardiometabolic risk in young people, independent of weight status.


Measurement of androgen and estrogen concentrations in cord blood: Accuracy, biological interpretation, and applications to understanding human behavioral development

This review examines the accuracy and biological interpretation of the measurement of androgens and estrogens in cord blood. The use of cord blood hormones...


Glioma-specific Domain IV EGFR cysteine mutations promote ligand-induced covalent receptor dimerization and display enhanced sensitivity

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is over-expressed in many brain tumors. This paper examines mutations the EGFR that make the cell it is produced in...


Antibody and cell-mediated immunity to pertussis 4 years after monovalent acellular pertussis vaccine at birth

In the longest reported follow-up of infants who received aP vaccine at birth, we found a trend to lower PT IgG antibodies post booster compared with receipt...


Immune cell trafficking from the brain maintains CNS immune tolerance

Evaluation of fluorescently labeled leukocyte migration in mice revealed that DCs travel via the RMS from the CNS to the cervical LNs (CxLNs), where they...


Smoking during pregnancy, vitamin C supplementation, and infant respiratory health

This article discusses the merits and potential shortcomings of a study reported previously showing that giving Vitamin C to women who smoked during...


Birth cohorts in asthma and allergic diseases: Report of a NIAID/NHLBI/MeDALL joint workshop

Population-based birth cohorts on asthma and allergies increasingly provide new insights into the development and natural history of the diseases.


A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump Therapy and Automated Insulin Suspension versus Standard Pump Therapy

A clinical trial-based economic evaluation was performed in which the net costs and effectiveness of the two treatment modalities were calculated and...