Energy drink consumption among young Australian adults: Associations with alcohol and illicit drug useAustralian energy drink users tend to have heavier alcohol consumption patterns be a cigarette smoker and use illicit drugs relative to non-users.
Extensive Diversity of Streptococcus pyogenes in a Remote Human Population Reflects Global-Scale Transmission Rather than Localised DiversificationThe Indigenous population of the Northern Territory of Australia (NT) suffers from a very high burden of Streptococcus pyogenes disease, including cardiac...
Efficacy of acute myeloid leukemia therapy without stem-cell transplantation in a child with blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasmOur case demonstrates that AML therapy, without HSCT, can be sufficient to treat this rare disease in children.
Assisted Vaginal Deliveries in Mothers Admitted as Public or Private Patients in Western AustraliaWe investigated whether the risk of adverse infant outcomes after assisted deliveries was different for mothers admitted as public or private patients for...
Association between pre-eclampsia and locally derived traffic-related air pollution: A retrospective cohort studyPre-eclampsia is a common complication of pregnancy and is a major cause of fetal maternal mortality and morbidity.
Safety and tolerability of a 2009 trivalent inactivated split-virion influenza vaccine in infants, children and adolescentsTo evaluate the safety of CSL's split-virion inactivated trivalent 2009 Southern Hemisphere formulation influenza vaccine (TIV) in children.
Risk factors for bronchiectasis in children with cystic fibrosisWe sought to determine risk factors for the onset of bronchiectasis, using data collected by the Australian Respiratory Early Surveillance Team for Cystic...
Breastfeeding in the first hour of life protects against neonatal mortalityBreastfeeding within the first hour of life has been shown to reduce high neonatal mortality by 22%.
Data Descriptor: Monitoring transcription initiation activities in rat and dogThe promoter landscape of several non-human model organisms is far from complete
Severe hypoglycemia rates are not associated with HbA1c: A cross-sectional analysis of 3 contemporary pediatric diabetes registry databasesTo examine the association between glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and severe hypoglycemia rates in patients with type 1 diabetes receiving usual care.