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Showing results for "rishi kotecha"


Invasive fungal infections in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Results from four Australian centres, 2003-2013

Invasive fungal infections are more common in children with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and in relapsed disease


Molecular-genetic profiling and high-throughput in vitro drug screening in NUT midline carcinoma-An aggressive and fatal disease

Our data emphasize the heterogeneity of NMC and highlights genetic aberrations that could be explored to improve therapeutic strategies.


Targeting cytokine- and therapy-induced PIM1 activation in preclinical models of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma

IL7 and glucocorticoids coordinately drive aberrant activation of PIM1 and suggests that T-ALL and T-LBL patients could benefit from PIM inhibition


Gain of chromosome 21 in hematological malignancies: lessons from studying leukemia in children with Down syndrome

Structural and numerical alterations of chromosome 21 are extremely common in hematological malignancies. While the functional impact of chimeric transcripts from fused chromosome 21 genes such as TEL-AML1, AML1-ETO, or FUS-ERG have been extensively studied, the role of gain of chromosome 21 remains largely unknown.


Novel therapeutics approaches for infants with high-risk infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Rishi Sury Laurence Sébastien Kotecha Cheung Malinge RS LC SM MB ChB (Hons) MRCPCH FRACP PhD BPharm (Hons) MBA PhD PhD Co-Head, Leukaemia

Fearless Xander: Why we research children's cancers

Ten-year-old Xander has been through more than most kids of his age – specifically, three-and-a-half years of gruelling chemotherapy to treat leukaemia.


Pre-natal, clonal origin of t(1;11)(p32;q23) acute lymphoblastic leukemia in monozygotic twins

Investigation of this rare mixed lineage leukemia cytogenetic abnormality aims to provide further evidence of the genetic changes that underpin this leukemia.


Systematic In Vitro Evaluation of a Library of Approved and Pharmacologically Active Compounds for the Identification of Novel Candidate Drugs for KMT2A-Rearranged Leukemia

Patients whose leukemias harbor a rearrangement of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL/KMT2A) gene have a poor prognosis, especially when the disease strikes in infants. The poor clinical outcome linked to this aggressive disease and the detrimental treatment side-effects, particularly in children, warrant the urgent development of more effective and cancer-selective therapeutics.


The critical role of the bone marrow stromal microenvironment for the development of drug screening platforms in leukemia

Extensive research over the past 50 years has resulted in significant improvements in survival for patients diagnosed with leukemia. Despite this, a subgroup of patients harboring high-risk genetic alterations still suffer from poor outcomes. There is a desperate need for new treatments to improve survival, yet consistent failure exists in the translation of in vitro drug development to clinical application.


FDA-approved disulfiram as a novel treatment for aggressive leukemia

Acute leukemia continues to be a major cause of death from disease worldwide and current chemotherapeutic agents are associated with significant morbidity in survivors. While better and safer treatments for acute leukemia are urgently needed, standard drug development pipelines are lengthy and drug repurposing therefore provides a promising approach.