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Play Active Program – physical activity policy and training for Early Childhood Education and Care

Hayley Emma Phoebe Liz Gina Christian Adams George Wenden Trapp BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BExSc, MPH BSc(Neuro), MPH BHlthSc MPH BHSc(Hons1A)


With rising levels of physical and mental health issues, ensuring children establish good physical activity behaviours early in life is more important than ever.


COCOON: Virus transmission, immunity, and family wellbeing during COVID-19

The delay in community transmission of the new Coronavirus in WA, together with the strict, social distancing measures that have been adopted, provide us with an opportunity to observe the level of immunity development to the virus within the community and assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health and well-



There are an estimated 5000 episodes per year of bloodstream infections due to Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) in Australia and an associated mortality of 20%. Despite this, there is little clinical trials evidence to guide best management.


Breastfeeding and motor development: A longitudinal cohort study

Early life feeding practices have an influence on motor development outcomes into late childhood and adolescence independent of sociodemographic factors


Modulation of the postnatal maturation of immune function during early life: studies on the effects of natural infections and exposure to the bacterial-derived immunoenhancer OM85

Severe winter lower respiratory infections in early life are known to be major risk factors for subsequent development of asthma, and it is also known that the high susceptibility to these infections in infants is due to the functional immaturity of their immune systems.


The role of bacterial infections during infancy in asthma development

In this project we are studying how interactions between bacteria and viruses in children's airways promote the development of allergy and asthma.


Influence of Toxoplasma gondii on host cell function

Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous pathogen capable of infecting animals, including humans, & is a significant health burden in developed/developing countries