Maternal consumption of coffee and tea during pregnancy and risk of childhood ALL: Results from an Australian case-control studyThe objective of this study was to investigate whether maternal coffee and/or tea consumption during the last 6 months of pregnancy was associated with risk...
Maternal consumption of coffee and tea during pregnancy and risk of childhood ALL: results from an Australian case-control studyTo investigate whether maternal coffee and/or tea consumption during the last 6 months of pregnancy was associated with risk of childhood ALL.
Migraine and preterm birthMaternal migraine, as self-reported early in pregnancy, was associated with preterm birth in survivors without CP & in infants who died in the perinatal period
Effect of early carriage of streptococcus pneumoniae on the development of pneumococcal protein-specific cellular immune responses in infancyThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between nasopharyngeal pneumococcal colonization in early life and the development of T cell responses.
Late-talking and risk for behavioral and emotional problems during childhood and adolescenceAlthough many toddlers with expressive vocabulary delay ("late talkers") present with age-appropriate language skills by the time they are of school age,...
Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in diagnosis in females with Rett syndromeThere is often delay between onset of Rett syndrome symptoms and its diagnosis, possibly related to symptom presentation or socio-demographic factors.
Expression of bronchodilator response using forced oscillation technique measurements: absolute versus relativeExpression of bronchodilator response using forced oscillation technique measurements: absolute versus relative
How valid are the rates of Down syndrome internationally?Rates of Down syndrome (DS) show considerable international variation, but a systematic assessment of this variation is lacking.
Study protocol for the evaluation of an Infant Simulator based program delivered in schools:This paper presents the study protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a school based program developed to prevent teenage
Prenatal alcohol exposure and risk of birth defectsThe goal was to examine the associations between dose, pattern, and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and birth defects.